How TF1 decided to postpone the France-Canada match after the announcement of the dissolution

How TF1 decided to postpone the France-Canada match after the announcement of the dissolution
How TF1 decided to postpone the France-Canada match after the announcement of the dissolution

The managers of TF1 had to wait perhaps more feverishly than usual for the result of the hearings on Sunday evening. Ultimately 4.42 million viewers followed the France-Canada match (0-0) on their antenna despite its fifteen-minute delay retransmission, placing the channel in the lead for this evening like no other with a share of honorable audience (22.8% audience share). Enough to reassure her about her choice the day before.

The kick-off of the Blues match had already been delayed, a few weeks ago, by a quarter of an hour (9:15 p.m. instead of 9 p.m.) due to the European elections, but the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly at 9 p.m. Sunday evening, to everyone’s surprise, once again shook things up. And the decision to broadcast the match on a delay of a quarter of an hour (the broadcast took place at 9:30 p.m.) was taken fairly quickly.

A switch to TMC or TFX was not considered

“In view of the President of the Republic’s announcement at 9 p.m., given this news, the election evening was bound to last a little longer than expected. We had to leave a little time to debrief and analyze the consequences of this decision”we announced this morning to TF1.

The question of switching the meeting to TMC or TFX, which both broadcast a film, would not have arisen. “Les Bleus is on TF1”, we say within the channel. As well as the possibility of catching up on the “delay” at half-time by skipping the advertising pages that some, particularly on social networks, were calling for. TF1 assumes that it is a commercial channel that makes its living from advertising and also adds that a football match is “two halves with a break in the middle. We kept the match going according to its normal course. And given our audiences, the viewers understood it. »

“A decision that no one had considered”

The fact that the meeting is also a friendly match, without stakes, and not an official match, like the France-Austria next Monday where the Blues will make their debut in the Euro on TF1 at 9 p.m., also made the decision easier. “But managing an antenna remains complicated, we admit on the chain side. You can never anticipate everything, and even less so when it comes to a decision that no one had considered in the previous days. »

Some also wondered why the channel had not mentioned the announcement of the quarter-hour delay a little earlier, to reassure viewers anxious to see their match. She recalls that“a first banner first evoked the dissolution, an event of great importance for our viewers, before a second on the delayed broadcast of the match. And Gilles Bouleau (election night presenter) also announced the delay. »



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