European elections. The Lot MP calls for a barrier to the far right

European elections. The Lot MP calls for a barrier to the far right
European elections. The Lot MP calls for a barrier to the far right


Jean-Claude Bonnemère

Published on

June 10, 2024 at 9:34 a.m.

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For the first in its history, the Batch places the vote at the top of the vote far right with the “France returns” list of Jordan Bardella, showing 26.66% of votes cast.

Coming in second place is the list “ Wake up Europe » led by the socialist Raphaël Glucksmann with 18.91% of the votes. Next comes the list of the presidential majority “Need for Europe” led by Valérie Hayer showing 13.44%. Follows France Insoumise, with 7.34%. The list The Republicans led by François-Xavier Bellamy 6.69% passes Jean Lassalle’s Alliance Rurale at 6.18%.

Europe Ecology crossed the 5% mark with 5.38%, while at the national level the party led by Marie Toussaint will no longer have a representative in the European Parliament.

Five years after the previous 2019 European election, the situation has changed on the Lot political scene. In 2019, the Renaissance list came first with 22.15% of the votes cast, today it has collapsed.

In 2019, the RN had reached 19.43%, which was already considered a high score, on June 9, it was in the lead.

With a participation rate set at 59.92%, the Lot still maintains a civic spirit above the national average: 51.50%.

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The MP for Lot, Huguette Tiegna announces her candidacy: declaration

The announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly, yesterday evening shortly after 9 p.m. by Emmanuel Macron, came like a clap of thunder, leaving many voters and elected officials stunned. It’s Huguette Tiegna, outgoing deputy of the 2e constituency which first announced its decision to run again in the next legislative elections: “The situation is serious, there is no question of abandoning the boat when France calls on us to redouble our efforts to preserve social achievements of the Republic and consolidate the recovery of the economy! » The deputy launches an appeal for support for her candidacy: “I invite all the forces of the republican arc attached to humanist and secular values ​​to support my candidacy to block the extreme right! »

New positions should not take long…

What impact will the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly cause? An electric shock that would set back the Lepenist vote? Or the confirmation of the current trend? Return to the polls on Sunday June 30 (1er tour) and Sunday July 7 (2e round). The stakes are enormous at the national level and make this decision appear like a poker move.

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