Planète Bleu Occitanie: 27 sensitive natural areas in Haute-Garonne

Planète Bleu Occitanie: 27 sensitive natural areas in Haute-Garonne
Planète Bleu Occitanie: 27 sensitive natural areas in Haute-Garonne

Open to the public and it is almost an obligation, sensitive natural areas are areas protected by the department for their biodiversity. The main advantage of labeling is that management plans are put in place in these areas.

This Sunday, June 9, we are interested in Planète Bleu Occitanie in sensitive natural areas : there are 27 in the Haute-Garonne department. The latest addition is located in Saint Hilaire, a town of 1,800 inhabitants south of Toulouse. A little less than 4 hectares, on the banks of the river, the west bank of the Louge that Mayor André Morère wanted to protect to keep a “green lung” in this city which has long been in the top five municipalities of the department in terms of population growth.

The municipality requested and obtained the classification of this wild area as a sensitive natural area on May 30 and before clearing brush or creating a walking path, a precise diagnosis will be carried out on the fauna and flora, via a consulting firm. studies for one year.

The department validates according to a criteria grid

A municipality, a company, a private owner can request this label and four sensitive natural areas are managed directly by the departmental council. And it is the department which decides according to a grid of criteria to validate the classification request. Naturalist agents travel to the site, take inventory of protected and threatened species and assess the degree of threats. These may include woods, lakes, meadows, etc., which are thus identified and preserved for their biodiversity.



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