80th anniversary of the Landing. A look back at the reconstruction of the exodus in Carentan

80th anniversary of the Landing. A look back at the reconstruction of the exodus in Carentan
80th anniversary of the Landing. A look back at the reconstruction of the exodus in Carentan


Ludovic Ameline

Published on

June 9, 2024 at 7:52 a.m.

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In Carentan-les-Marais (Manche), the reconstruction of the’Exodus of the civilians and their reunion with the Carentan Liberty March and veterans is always a great moment.

This Saturday June 8, 2024on the occasion of the 80e anniversary of the Landing, the celebration was all the more beautiful. The viewers masses along the route greeted the motley convoy of participants in the exodus scenes. Very popular realistic scenes, like every year.

Memory approach

“My participation in this exodus is a memory process, assures Roger Delaroque. Our ancestors suffered greatly from the Landing. Of course, today there is the festive side, but let’s not forget that some of the Normans were injured and lost a lot of things. THE bombings remained marked in memories. »

In the line of departures or evacuees, we find military trucks, cars, cyclists, original strollers or even a handcart pulled by a man and supporting the furniture. But above all loaded pedestrians, crushed under suitcases, bundles and bags, making their way.

The children were also part of the adventure. ©Jean-Paul BARBIER
The column of civilians stretched into the city center of Carentan (Manche). ©Jean-Paul BARBIER
The column of civilians stretched into the city center of Carentan (Manche). ©Jean-Paul BARBIER
The column of civilians stretched into the city center of Carentan (Manche). ©Jean-Paul BARBIER

A few minutes earlier, they had been preceded by 70 veterans, supervised by the Best Defense Foundation and the Return of Veterans to Normandy association.

Centennial veteran Wilbur J. Jack Myers danced wild rock. ©Jean-Paul BARBIER
Centennial veteran Wilbur J. Jack Myers danced wild rock. ©Jean-Paul BARBIER

Pushed into their seats by a host of guides, they multiplied the handshakes, the hugs, the kisses and the meetings with the younger generation, who returned a hundredfold.

Videos: currently on -

Leaving around 8 a.m., the 250 registered for the Carentan Liberty March, mainly in the uniform of the 101e Airborne, made a triumphant entry. They joined the Place du Grand-Valnoble, chosen this year to host the events as part of the commemorations.

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