A third Tour of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence for 150 amateur cyclists

A third Tour of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence for 150 amateur cyclists
A third Tour of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence for 150 amateur cyclists

The 3rd edition of the Tour des Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, a race of three stages totaling 210 km, will take place over two days with a departure on Saturday June 22 at 3 p.m., from the commune of Les Mées, and a first stage of 102 kilometers to Villeneuve.

The next day, the riders compete in a 6-kilometer individual time trial between Oraison and Le Castellet. Finally, on Sunday June 23 at 2:30 p.m., participants will leave Manosque for a 97.05 kilometer loop. This event is the only stage race in Provence reserved for amateurs.

150 runners from all over France

Michel Borgna, president of the La Roue d’Or club in Sisteron, underlines the importance of cycling in the department: “The Alpes-de-Haute-Provence are made for cycling, we have very beautiful roads with little traffic and very beautiful landscapes. Runners who discover the department are always delighted“.

He raises, “the organization remains a central point for the smooth running of this race. It is based on precise know-how, mobilizing around fifty volunteers. Racing cars and motorcyclists from the gendarmerie are deployed to ensure the safety of participants. The race is protected, the peloton advances like a bubble. The opening car announces the race and the bikers stop the cars, particularly because the road is not closed“.

Another essential aspect, that of sponsors. During the race, different distinctive jerseys will be in play: “The general classification jersey, equivalent to the yellow jersey of the Tour de France, sponsored by the Ernest Manosque bakery; the rush classification jersey, equivalent to the jersey of the best sprinter, sponsored by Cycle Bachelas Forcalquier Manosque; the jersey for the best climber sponsored by Toyota Volx-Sisteron which also provides seven cars for the race; and finally the jersey for the best young person, runners under 21 years old, sponsored by Bastides Provençales. Carrefour Digne will provide drinks to participants.

The association has also benefited from financial and technical assistance from many municipalities. “A stage race is very complicated to organize because the municipalities are not necessarily all available at the same time. We are organizing this third Tour of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence during the Music Festival weekend, so some municipalities cannot receive us. We are asking town halls for financial and technical assistance because to the 150 runners are added the sports directors and mechanics. From an economic point of view, the Tour makes hotels and restaurants work and allows the department to be known.

In addition to this race, the Roue d’Or organizes other cycling events throughout the year, such as the Grand Prix de Sisteron and the Grand Prix des Mutuelles de France Alpes du Sud, which celebrated its 33rd edition on 4 and last May 5.

In any case, you will have to be at the side of the roads for this next meeting which is the Tour des Alpes-de-Haute-Provence. Notice to cycling enthusiasts.



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