Sainte-Livrade-sur-Lot. Middle school students play film critics.

Sainte-Livrade-sur-Lot. Middle school students play film critics.
Sainte-Livrade-sur-Lot. Middle school students play film critics.

Forging a link between schools and college is one of the educational axes of the REP, (priority education network) of Sainte-Livrade, and this year, this link existed through short films made by students of the priority education network.

The large sections of Mr. Brajot and Ms. Auvray improvised as “cinema critics” and thus gave their opinions on “Petites Cassettes” when their elders from Dolmayrac expressed their opinions on the film “Linda Wants Chicken”.

The 4th grade students, under the guidance of their main teachers, Ms. Descomps and Mr. Kaddour, presented their short films made as part of “Filming the job that I like” in which they took on the roles of pastry chef, building painter and farmer.

Finally, it is traditional for the students of the cinema artistic practice workshop to screen their short film which will be screened at the end of June in Pantin and Porto, and whose instructions this year were to film the other, the documentary gesture.

This screening evening would not have been possible without the work of Céline Tardy, REP coordinator and Alexandre Anton, cinema director, who once again masterfully orchestrated the screening in a packed room.

“This evening was a real success, we must congratulate the students for their involvement, but also Mr. Anton for his availability and his valuable help to young filmmakers”, would like to point out Camille Turcat, (plastic arts teacher, equality referent girl-boy, culture referent and responsible for social networks).



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