Four ideas for outings in the Lot this weekend

Four ideas for outings in the Lot this weekend
Four ideas for outings in the Lot this weekend

the essential
This weekend, the Lot is full of entertainment. The editorial team shares good tips for having fun: festivals, water festivals, trails and garage sales are there.

Second day of the “between sea and ocean” festival Saturday in Gourdon

Saturday, June 8, there will be a night market of artisans and rides in Gourdon. For the occasion, a sand sculptor named Stéphane Lozza will grace his presence, a giant sandbox for children will also be installed, as well as a makeup stand. A food truck and fast food service will allow you to eat on site.
The evening’s program is packed… At 6:30 p.m., enjoy the biking activities by Benoit Jouclar from the Salviac museum and the Banda les Embouches. At 7 p.m., the Whisperers of the Sea with the Compagnie Graine de Baladin will be out and about. At 8:30 p.m., Salsa and Bachata Beach with Rachel on the main stage, alongside Talweg who will play on the bandstand stage. At 10 p.m., Celtic rock group The Booze Brothers will perform on the main stage. To celebrate further, at 11:45 p.m., DJ Blackbird H will take over.

Brengue: water festival

Saturday June 8 from 2 p.m., as part of the Célé’té festival, we will celebrate water in a fourth edition which promises to be very festive. Everything will be an excuse to celebrate this essential resource, which is more threatened than ever. Among the planned activities, discovery workshops, canoe polo, creative workshops, exhibitions, book space around the Astromobile. Show: “In the water”, readings. Walk to the springs of Brengues. Round table, musical aperitif. At 9 p.m. Concert with The Water Gun Project, followed by: “I am water”, a nighttime projection on the bridge piers.

Trail, walking and night sowing in Dégagnac on June 8 at 8 p.m.

Registration on site from 7 p.m., before departure at 8 p.m. Trail and mountain biking will cost you 8 euros for 12 or 30 km of route, your choice. The walk caps at 5 euros, for 7 or 12 km of route, also your choice. Upon arrival, soup and a raffle will be offered.

Our top 3 garage sales

  • Garage sale and aperitif concert at the Château d’Aix, Porte du Quercy blanc, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Garage sale in Montfaucon, stretching along rue Dreche and rue Gambetta, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Garage sale in Pradine Organized by the APE Les petits Rocs, in the football stadium parking lot, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


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