80th anniversary of the Landing. In Cherbourg, Emmanuel Macron comes to celebrate the port of Liberty

80th anniversary of the Landing. In Cherbourg, Emmanuel Macron comes to celebrate the port of Liberty
80th anniversary of the Landing. In Cherbourg, Emmanuel Macron comes to celebrate the port of Liberty


Julien Munoz

Published on

June 7, 2024 at 9:13 a.m.

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Bullet fragments appear on the statue of Napoleon, June 26, 1944. There Harbor Station is partly destroyed.

The stigmata of four years of occupation did not disappear overnight but, in the first hours of life beginning again, an immense fervor makes the hearts of the streets of Cherbourg (Manche).

A first major military victory

Three weeks after the Landing, the capture of the port cityelevated to the rank of major objective by the Allies from day one, represents for Americans a first major military victory.

“It is a pleasure to be able to tell French : here is your first big city to visit“, said General Collins to the mayor, Dr. Renault.

Taking the only deep water port of the banks of the Channel is a pivotal momentin the first weeks of Operation Overlord.

A first in Cherbourg

80 years later, through a first international ceremonyorganized in the port city of Cotentin the world remembers.

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We will recall the crucial role played by this port of Liberty, through which the fighters who came to liberate the European continent passed, including descendants of the Old Continent who left via the same port to emigrate to America.

Emmanuel Macron, President of the Republic

At the beginning of the afternoon this Friday June 7, 2024around 2 p.m., the president of the Republicarrives in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin. A territory which, for a long time, was an obligatory passage for taking courses atsecurity school .

A place where, for those entering the Navy, we always passed through, without necessarily being assigned there. A city, still today, at the forefront of joint actions.

“The goal was to have a big ceremony”

An operational port very marked by L’state action at sea. Factories where we build submarines and patrollers. The past, present and future of the Navy.

An identity imprint and, several decades ago, a starting point.

The objective, for us, was to finally have a big ceremony in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin and to do justice to the city and its port, which played an essential role in the liberation of Europe. At the time, the choice to disembark in Utah was also made based on its proximity to the port. After the liberation of the port, in Cherbourg men, equipment, fuel, food and all US logistics arrived to supply the front and the progression to Belgium, then to Germany.

Benoît Arrivé, mayor of Cherbourg-en-Cotentin

Short, but heavy on symbolism

For a long time, the idea of ​​welcoming Joe Biden was fantasized. If the American president will ultimately be on the side of Pointe du Hocan American delegation will be present in Cherbourg, completely liberated at the time by Uncle Sam’s men.

The President of the Republic should not speak during this ceremony.

After reviewing the troops, he must lay a wreath with two living memories of Cotentin: the veteran Paul Leterrier and the witness Jean Pivain. A minute of silencewill be respected, before the sound of the Marseillaise.

The sequence should be short, and should not last more than half an hour. This, however, will remain in theHistory.

Cherbourg, finally, will regain its place in the official D-Day ceremonies. And, at the same time, a fairer place in collective memory.

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