Lozère: hike to Lake Naussac, discovering the Donozau waterfall

On May 30, a hike was organized near Langogne, by the Ud Lozère sector representative, François Papadopoulos and his wife Sylvie, at Lake Naussac.

Lake Naussac is a reservoir of water generated by the Naussac dam, on a tributary of the Allier near Langogne. It is supposed to guarantee a minimum flow in the event of low water in the middle and lower reaches of the Allier and the Loire. With a volume of 190,000 thousand cubic meters, it is the largest lake in the Lozère department, which covered the ancient village of Naussac. It is fed in particular by the Donozau to the south. In addition to trout and predator fishing, the lake also allows many water activities, such as sailing, windsurfing, kayaking, paddle and kitesurfing. Regattas are organized on a fairly regular basis. A beach is set up not far from the village of Naussac, allowing swimming. Several paths run to and around the lake.

This Thursday, May 30, around twenty members of our association were able to discover, after a journey of around 10 kilometers in total on the banks of Lake Naussac, the Donozau waterfall. The current filling level of the lake and the consequent water flow showed the waterfall in its best light for the pleasure of hikers. Indeed, after the drought of 2022, Lake Naussac had reached a filling rate of only 20% in winter 2023, a level reaching 97% to date.

This physical effort refreshed by a few occasional showers was of course followed by an excellent meal at the “La Table du Lac” restaurant, to conclude this beautiful day in a convivial manner.

On this occasion, Jacques Rizzo, a young man of almost 88 years old, new member of Ud48, joined us and was kindly welcomed by our departmental president Patrick Quintin. The usual good humor of this retired Gendarmerie was appreciated by all the participants.

Another great day for our association, demonstrating the state of mind of camaraderie and cohesion that characterizes the Unprg.

Patrick Quintin, president of Ud48.



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