Students finish their exams: do they have the right to go on vacation in advance and therefore “skip” the blank days?

Students finish their exams: do they have the right to go on vacation in advance and therefore “skip” the blank days?
Students finish their exams: do they have the right to go on vacation in advance and therefore “skip” the blank days?

Primary 6 students take the last CEB test this Friday. Last stop before the holidays, well almost. School ends in a week and Fabien would like to know if he can go on vacation this weekend. Does he have the right? What does her daughter risk if she doesn’t return to school on Monday?

Fabien’s daughter is subject to compulsory schooling until the first Friday of July inclusive. It’s been like this since the reform of school schedules. The children finish a week later, that is to say this Friday, July 5.

A week, it is true, a bit special. There are no classes, but activities and report card submissions.

Schools are recording a drop in attendance during this last week of around 10%.

So what happens if Fabien’s daughter doesn’t show up?

The school management reports this to the administration. These unjustified absences are reported from 9 half-days of absencethat is to say, one week of lessons.

If your child exceeds this number, you receive a warning. Then there is the fine, up to 200 euros per child.

In short, it is not really encouraged or advisable not to return to school next week.

If you are going to seek the opinion of the school management, for an early departure, to use the words of the authorities: “The management does not have the power to deviate from the rules of compulsory schooling“.

A word about these “white days“during which classes are suspended.

Their number is regulated, per school year.

  • 3 days in the fundamental.
  • 18 days from secondary 1 to 3.
  • 27 days from 4th to 6th secondary.

This may seem like a lot. Precisely, these figures will be gradually reduced by a third in secondary education from 2026.




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