Hoteliers in Alpes-de-Haute-Provence fear “not finding seasonal workers” for the summer

Hoteliers in Alpes-de-Haute-Provence fear “not finding seasonal workers” for the summer
Hoteliers in Alpes-de-Haute-Provence fear “not finding seasonal workers” for the summer

A departure with a smile and humility… This Monday, June 3, at the Banon village hall, Thierry Souêtre, the president of Umih 04 (Union of hotel trades and industries), held a final general meeting.

Elected representatives of the Umih of the south and the restoration as well as the members, there were around thirty for the last goodbye of Thierry Souêtre, after three years of mandate.

The right moment for the latter to present the results of his years at the head of the union. With his chest out, he estimates “that there has been progress. We had less than 200 members and we are now 300. A real dialogue has been established between us and the public finances and the hygiene services“.

Recruitment and training at the heart of the debates

Despite the positive points, Thierry Souêtre continues to warn of the major problems facing hotel and catering services.

The real difficulties lie in recruiting and training staff.“, he laments. For the approaching summer season, only one solution remains according to him: “It is absolutely necessary that restaurateurs and hoteliers provide accommodation, otherwise we will not find anyone this year at the seasonal level.“.

A concern shared by Bernard Champreux, national vice-president of restaurateurs, present for the event. The latter adds: “We should be recognized as a profession in tension at the national level. It’s a battle that we are waging in relation to aid and recruitment“.

Nevertheless, Thierry Souêtre wishes to reassure: “The next president, if elected, should develop training, which should bring in some finances, because we need it. The summer season is looking very good, with a good occupancy rate“, he finishes.



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