Terminus for Villeneuve/Lot, everyone gets off

Terminus for Villeneuve/Lot, everyone gets off
Terminus for Villeneuve/Lot, everyone gets off

The spectators who came to Bias for this final meeting will perhaps have believed it for half an hour, or even a full period. The time that Chambéry (2e) sets the sights, for the first time, at the end of a perfectly executed counter (0-1, 33e) and start the machine. A goal in the form of a sanction after very long minutes of domination both in the game and, and this is very annoying, in…

The spectators who came to Bias for this final meeting will perhaps have believed it for half an hour, or even a full period. The time that Chambéry (2e) sets the sights, for the first time, at the end of a perfectly executed counter (0-1, 33e) and start the machine. A goal in the form of a sanction after very long minutes of domination both in the game and, and this is very annoying, in the state of mind. “We were under the illusion for a half,” noted David Quadri at the end of the match, “because we only conceded one goal, but the state of mind was not the right one. When you play to hope to save your head, you must at least show some self-esteem. There, we let it slip and I, who am a competitor, cannot accept it. »

The Villeneuvois coach’s observation is bitter but oh so true when we see the football mush that was proposed by his team during the second act. A second act started with two goals in quick succession from the Girondins (0-3, 48th, 51ste) announcing a long way of the cross which fortunately ended with a penalty in favor of the locals transformed by Kevin Szpala after four new goals conceded (1-7, 86e). “When we see what we proposed this afternoon, it’s difficult to see anything other than that we are in our place. » This place, tenth in Group H, is synonymous with relegation for Villeneuve/Lot. A real thunderclap in Lot-et-Garonnais football since the club had only known the regional championship until today.

Unreassuring context

After relegation from R2 three seasons ago and two difficult years in R3, here he is at the lowest level of his existence in a context which is not at all reassuring. While its two reserve teams are relegated from D1 and D3, the future of the club seems to be dotted. In addition to the sporting difficulties, it is also weighed down by financial concerns which do not look easy to resolve even if the leaders have a meeting this week with the municipality to discuss this thorny issue. If a solution were to be found, which is not self-evident, everything would have to be reset with, most certainly, new men since David Quadri will most likely not leave for another round, as will several executives of the flag team. Here and there, names are circulating, so many different projects, and even the possibility of merging with at least one of its neighboring clubs (Bias or Casseneuil).

The first verdicts

This is the good news from this final day of the championship. By dominating the Villenave Jeunesse reserve (6e), 3 to 1, Confluent 47 (9e) saves his lead in Group I at the end of a nerve-wracking season. This maintenance brings happiness to several Lot-et-Garonne District teams since the fate of Abdel Bendaho’s men depended on that of several teams playing at the departmental level.
R2: Boé/Bon-Encontre promoted to R1; Casseneuil and FC Marmande maintained.
A3: SU Agen promoted to R2; Confluent 47, Le Mas and Porte d’Aquitaine 47; Assa, FC Marmande 2 and Villeneuve/Lot relegated to District.
D1: Casseneuil 2 promoted to R3; Villeneuve/Lot 2, Casteljaloux, Monflanquin and Marcellus/Cocumont relegated to D2.
D2: Porte d’Aquitaine 47 (2) and AS Passage FC promoted to D1; Sainte-Bazeille, Le Port/Feugarolles, Gontaud 2, Astaffort and Castillonnès relegated to D3.
D3: Laugnac, Lamontjoie and Tonneins promoted to D2; Sainte-Bazeille 2, Monbahus, Gontaud 3, Penne/Saint-Sylvestre and Astaffort 2 relegated to D4.
D4: Sainte-Livrade, Bias and Casteljaloux 2 promoted to D3.

In this wait, even if the outcome seemed inevitable for several weeks, Villeneuve/Lot has a hangover and with the combined relegations of Assa and FC Marmande 2 in District, it’s all lot-and-lot football. Garonnais who is, once again, KO standing.



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