I’m leaving France Inter

I’m leaving France Inter
I’m leaving France Inter

Ahhhhh friends it’s the last one of the year!!! So, I also wanted to tell you that after this whole Guillaume Meurice affair, in solidarity with the others, well I too decided to leave France Inter, I’m leaving the boat!… hahahah not at all!! If you hear me say that I left the boat, it’s because I’m coming back from vacation with Nagui. Eh. If I’m no longer on the boat it’s because I’m on the tender. Billionaire joke. Stéphane Courbit I kiss you!

Oh well no it’s not my last, I’m not going to leave even though I’ve just arrived… I have expenses, there’s credit… Who will pay for my Tuesday evening gin and tonic if I leave? I didn’t like gin, but since the taxpayer pays for it… It tastes like you’re coming back to it.

No, but it’s true that I asked myself the question when I saw all these people leaving out of solidarity… Frankly, I saw people leaving when I didn’t even know they were there… It reminds me of those Sunday mornings when I wake up because I hear the door slam and I say to myself: wow did I come home with someone?!… The story of my life, I have known girls that I consider to be soldiers from the first war… Do you know what I mean? Those who sacrifice themselves and whose names we do not know… Only unknown soldiers. Fortunately we don’t make a stele for each of them, there would be roundabouts all over Paris! With epitaphs decorated with geranium, piscenlis and chlamydia.

In short, a lot of people are leaving France Inter, in support of Guillaume and in the name of freedom of expression… But I don’t have the balls… Especially since I could have gotten fired too with what I have said about fat trans Jews… But apparently it works when you hit those who have cut off much more than their foreskin… No, but I don’t have balls like a fat trans Jew.

Besides, I tell you: I position myself as the representative of all those who don’t have the balls to leave, I am the captain of what we are called in Italy: La Squadra Castratta! Hey Morgane Cadignan, Alexis Le Rossignol, Lisa Delmotiez, Fanny Ruwet, Camille Lavabre, Julien Santini and so on… If you have complaints to make to anyone who doesn’t have the balls, it’s bibi that he you have to come and see! But that’s not a criticism, eh! Oh well no! We have no balls because if we leave we have nothing left… We are going to become vegetarian but not out of conviction…

And I’m like you Nagui, I’ll become a vegetarian the day I’ve eaten enough… Honestly, I’d love to tell you COME ON, I’M DROPPED VIVA LA REVOLUCION I LA LIBERTAD D’EXPRESSION but I have some promotion to do , rooms to fill… I’m talking about theater, Nagui.

And I’ll tell you the truth, I have a hard time leaving too… Because noble causes… I tried… I can’t do it… I was at an eco-demo, Well you know what? I feel a lot better in a 488 spider… No, but I always had the dream of climbing the steps, driving in a convertible and taking jets and when I barely set foot in the middle, it’s no longer the fashion ! You’re destroying a kid’s dream! Already since we no longer serve shots in the navel, I’m destroyed.

No, noble causes… It’s complicated… Well, another example, June 14 was the women’s strike in Switzerland, there were demonstrations in the street. Well, I was there! For what ? Because in truth, I said to myself great, there’s going to be a girl. I don’t have any convictions, I’m just stupid… Don’t look at me like that! If we can link business with pleasure… I tell you Leila, if you see me in a feminist demonstration, it’s because I’m coming to support AND conclude… I came to have a fair fuck. And then, what is a fair kiss? It’s respecting the small producer, it’s reducing inequalities by ensuring the fair remuneration of producers and the guys in iench.

The rest to listen to and discover on video…



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