A journey into the curious world of critters

Did you know that a queen bee can lay 1500 to 2000 eggs per day, or more than one per minute, and that there are drones whose role is to mate during a nuptial flight in which they usually do not survive. In nature, we also find the bark beetle, a species which digs a network of tunnels in trees, like a large mandala, to lay its eggs. The woodpecker is fond of this species.

Guests at the insect festival held at CINLB learned a ton of scientific facts. The aim of the event was to celebrate little critters in all their forms.


The Mobile Bibitte staff featured a variety of species. (Nicolas T. Parent/La Voix de l’Est)

“We wanted to create this special version dedicated to insects! For us, it was important to highlight species that are more unknown and even less appreciated, but very important for biodiversity,” said the communications manager for the CINLB, Karine Deslauriers.

The visit was worth it. Inside the large pavilion, you could attend a series of conferences, including one on spiders, held in the morning in the company of arachnologist Pierre Paquin. Further on, we found kiosks occupied by two organizations, La Bibitte mobile and l’Insectambulant. Varieties of insects were presented there. One little girl even had the chance (and the courage!) to hold a large snake in her hands.

Outside, there were a few kiosks, including that of the Miel Fontaine company. We learned a multitude of facts about the wonderful world of bees, a crucial species that does its work for biodiversity. The children were particularly attracted to a large hive containing dozens of pollinators.

Further away, young people equipped with large white nets attended insect hunting sessions. Not to mention the face painting and the stations allowing you to learn more about the varieties of butterflies and even scorpions.

A fairly unique tasting

“I have crickets, sugar bugs and grasshoppers! Do you want to taste?” asked one of the volunteers, the friendly Jocelyne Bernier. In front of her, curious, smiling adults and a few suspicious children.

Yes, insects were definitely on the menu during the day. In particular, we could taste the crickets roasted with garlic and other cooked and sweeter bugs. The journalist did not try the experiment, but according to some, the taste is very surprising. Some even took a second bite.


Yum! According to some, the insects tasted amazing. (Nicolas T. Parent/La Voix de l’Est)

In short, all the ingredients were there to completely transform the perceptions of these little creatures. We even offered horticultural advice on how to create a dream flower garden for insects.

The hot season, favorite of bibites, is only just beginning. For more information about its activities, attractions and events, simply visit the CINLB website.



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