The Olympic flame passes 100 meters from Indre-et-Loire, Tuesday May 28

The Olympic flame passes 100 meters from Indre-et-Loire, Tuesday May 28
The Olympic flame passes 100 meters from Indre-et-Loire, Tuesday May 28

The Olympic torch relay passes to Montsoreau, this Tuesday, May 28, 2024. Montsoreau is in Maine-et-Loire, but it is really on the edge of Indre-et-Loire.

In Montsoreau, there will be a total of five torchbearers, who will run 200 meters each. The first will set off at 9:25 a.m. from Quai Alexandre Dumas, the quay where the boat carrying the Olympic flame on the Loire will dock shortly before. Around 9:35 a.m., the Olympic flame will only be a hundred meters from Candes-Saint-Martin, a well-known village in the far west of Indre-et-Loire. After a visit to Montsoreau Castle, the torch will be taken to the next stop, in Maine-et-Loire.

Organizational costs considered exorbitant by the communities of Indre-et-Loire

The next time that the Olympic torch will approach Touraine will be on July 8, during a relay in Loir-et-Cher, in Chaumont-sur-Loire, Vendome and Blois, in particular. If the Olympic torch relay does not pass through Indre-et-Loireit’s because local authorities judged that it was too expensiver.

So that the Olympic torch travels through Touraine, the organization asked for 150,000 euross** to the departmental council. “I fell out of my chair” Sylvie Giner, the vice-president of the department responsible for sport, told France Bleu Touraine at the time. She stressed that many sports clubs, associative or professional, were having difficulty making ends meet because of Covid. departmental council therefore judged that these 150,000 euros would be better used if they were paid to these teams.

Solicited, too, the city of Tours and the Metropolis did not follow up either, for the same reason. Good or bad choice, everyone will judge, but what is certain is that the torch relay attracts a lot of people, wherever it goes.




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