Legislative elections 2024: Céline Papin, environmentalist candidate in Bordeaux-Nord has “nothing to envy of Thomas Cazenave”

Legislative elections 2024: Céline Papin, environmentalist candidate in Bordeaux-Nord has “nothing to envy of Thomas Cazenave”
Legislative elections 2024: Céline Papin, environmentalist candidate in Bordeaux-Nord has “nothing to envy of Thomas Cazenave”

This is his first campaign under his own name. Deputy mayor of Bordeaux Pierre Hurmic, the ecologist Céline Papin was invested by the New Popular Front in the first constituency of Gironde (Bordeaux-Nord, Bruges, Le Bouscat). With a double challenge to take up. Firstly, face a political heavyweight in the department, the Minister of Public Accounts Thomas Cazenave, elected in 2022. And then, fill the significant gap from the last elections in this right-wing constituency : in 2022, another environmentalist Catherine Cestari, accused 18 points behind in the second round. However, “my candidacy has nothing to envy of Thomas Cazenave” claims Céline Papin, guest of France Bleu Gironde this Thursday, highlighting her territorial roots.

In this constituency where rich and poor neighborhoods coexist, the deputy mayor of Bordeaux campaigns on social issues, particularly on the aging of the population and single-parent families. She also does not forget environmental issues. “It is a very diverse constituency, with socio-professional categories with different issues. However, what I feel is the same concern about the future of our public services, about questions of education, health, for the future of their children, for the future of their planet, and the same anger at the government’s deafness for 7 years. Ultimately, these populations are not that far apart in terms of a certain number of expectations” she defends.

In 2022, the RN peaked at 9.61% in the constituency. “Any presence, any increase in the score of the National Rally is a defeat for democracy and I think we should be worried about it” clearly states the candidate. The one who saw his ex-companion was attacked while he was towing for his campaign last week denounces the project “mortiferous” of the far right and calls for a barrier even in the event that the New Popular Front does not make it to the second round.

Watch the interview with Céline Papin



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