Saint-Sylvestre-sur-Lot. La Tarterie de Julien: six years of flavors and passion

Saint-Sylvestre-sur-Lot. La Tarterie de Julien: six years of flavors and passion
Saint-Sylvestre-sur-Lot. La Tarterie de Julien: six years of flavors and passion

On April 28, Julien’s Tarterie: Entre Salé et Sucré in Saint-Sylvestre-sur-Lot, located opposite the Intermarché, celebrated its 6th anniversary

We have followed its great evolution thanks to hard work and numerous changes for the well-being of our customers.

On Saturday May 18, Julien puts the spotlight on his charming and adorable daughters Clara (17 years old) and Anna (10 years old). They always supported him despite his absence due to workload. Anna, who even gives ideas in the kitchen, explains that it was as a family that they launched the Brunch, offered on Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. (reservation on 05 53 71 43 45 at €20 per person). Anna is adorable because she doesn’t hesitate to help like her big sister whenever they can.

They are his engine for moving forward and evolving, having gone through Covid and the ups and downs of life without ever complaining.

Since 2019, Julien has hired Sonia, dedicated and versatile. Damien, his second in the kitchen since 2023, is leaving to teach cooking to disabled people, replaced by Violette, a dynamic 30-year-old chef with extensive experience in catering.

Violette offers delicious dishes, every day, made with local products and new products like the Caesar Bagel, the Buratta salad… She also uses her pastry talents to make homemade desserts like the P’tit cookie with nuts, cashew nuts, almonds, hazelnuts or Cheesecake. His arrival allows Julien to create more elaborate cuisine and new menus.

This brings Julien a little balance and serenity, allowing him to work with confidence and free up time for reception and for his daughters. They are passionate and Anna confirms: “with my sister, we take after dad because we cook a lot!” Clara will work all summer to help her dad.

La Tarterie is open Tuesday to Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. (hours vary depending on the season). Contact: 05 53 71 43 45, Facebook, Instagram or

This place reflects Julien well: generous, friendly and passionate, surrounded by people who share his values.



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