The Hague. Bike shelter, games… What is your favorite project? Vote!

The Hague. Bike shelter, games… What is your favorite project? Vote!
The Hague. Bike shelter, games… What is your favorite project? Vote!


Editorial La Presse de la Manche

Published on

June 17, 2024 at 1:01 p.m.

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Since October 14, 2023, the municipality of La Hague (Manche) has launched the second edition of its participatory budget. As a reminder, the participatory budget is a system which allows the realization of projects of general interest for the territory, proposed and chosen by residents of the Hague.

The process enters its final phase, the vote. This election is an opportunity for each resident to participate in the life of their municipality.

Gwladys Alleno, deputy in charge of participatory citizenship and project leader.

For example and for its first edition, there were 58 projects which had been proposed by adults, children, minors and different associations, among which 11 projects were sectioned by a steering committee then submitted to the vote of the inhabitants of La Hague .

“We had 974 votes, or more than 10% of the population of voting age, including 354 votes among those under 18. We were very happy with this result and far from imagining the projects we were going to receive. »

Since then, the first project carried out was a four-legged course in Clairefontaine inaugurated in November 2022 then the “Oak comes alive” play area in Urville-Nacqueville in June 2023.

“In the coming days, we will have the inauguration of the walls of free expression, one in Gréville and the second in Vasteville,” continues Gwladys Alleno.

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Seven projects are put to the vote

The project submission phase ended in mid-December 2023 and the technical, legal and financial analysis period was continued by a steering committee made up of six elected officials and six residents.

“We have 30 applications which have been submitted and our committee has selected 7 projects from which residents are asked to choose their 3 favorite projects which will be classified according to the number of votes received per project. »

The people of Haguais had no shortage of ideas.

Gwladys Alleno, deputy in charge of participatory citizenship

The projects selected:

  • Setting up a secure bicycle shelter
  • Let’s help the bees
  • New bus shelter
  • Artistic work for all
  • I hang my cycle
  • See you at the games
  • The SNSM puts you against the wall

“We are very involved in sustainable environmental projects and ESAT employees have submitted a shelter project to us which is a great civic approach. »

How to vote?

Who can vote? : residents of La Hague (primary and secondary residence) aged at least 11 years old. A resident can only vote once for three selected projects. Voting is open until July 1 and the results will be announced on July 4 at 5:30 p.m. in the presence of Mayor Manuela Mahier.

To vote, nothing could be simpler! Simply log in to your user account or register to access the voting form, but also the ballot box or deposit it in the mailbox of La Hague town hall, delegated town halls, media libraries, cultural space of La Hague, Cap Numérique and the House of Public Services. The various projects selected can be consulted on the website and Facebook page of the municipality of La Hague.

From our correspondent Philippe QUEVASTRE

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