“the population has understood that the solution lies in the project of rupture…”

“the population has understood that the solution lies in the project of rupture…”
“the population has understood that the solution lies in the project of rupture…”

Amadou Mounirou Diallo, departmental coordinator of patriotic youth of Senegal from Kolda, answered our questions about their project.

Thus, he returned to the situation of their party but also to the events currently in the news such as the reduction of the high cost of living. And it was a patriot “confident” in their ideology who answered our questions, notably “jub, jubal, jubanti”

How did you feel during the victory?

“It was a feeling of satisfaction that motivated us during our victory. And as the saying goes, “you’re either part of the problem, or you’re part of the solution.” In this sense, the population understood that the only solution was to vote for change, for the project of rupture, for a new Senegal, a united Senegal, a Senegal for the Senegalese and by the Senegalese. And this resulted in a resounding victory in the first round. »

How do you judge the “project”, more than a month later…a delay in reducing the cost of living…

“There was no deadline set by the government. Thus, reducing prices requires the study of several parameters taking into account our high import rate (rice, oil, corn, sugar, etc.). Therefore, careful consideration with economic operators is required to achieve a sustainable reduction. And the worry is to reduce prices and a month later, they return to the initial stage. However, the government has taken measures to reduce prices as soon as possible. »

In the process, he adds “in addition, to hope for a considerable and lasting reduction, we must produce what we consume. This is why we must salute the efforts of the regime in place with the considerable subsidy of inputs, but also with the payment of the debt over the last 3 years. And this will inevitably impact production and therefore prices. »

Isn’t the promise of employment for young people a headache?

“Youth employment is one of the Government’s major concerns. Moreover, the composition of the administration, especially the departments provided, shows this. There are no decent jobs without equitable social justice. This is why cleaning up the workplace is fundamental to allow these young people to start on a clear, fair and reassuring basis. And moreover, the launch of the “JUBANTI” platform is a perfect illustration of this. »

What about the “project”?

“The Project is already installed. This is what earned us a clear victory at the department level. On the other hand, we still have work to do to allow the Party to be present and in the majority in all municipalities. This is why there is no rest. Moreover, we popularize government actions and initiate actions to support the Project. In this dynamic, we are organizing this weekend the 48 hours of the JPS which is part of a “CLEAN KOLDA”.

And what recipe to deal with the difficulties of the Kolda region?

Without detours, he specifies: “we know that Kolda faces many challenges, particularly regarding his youth. Despite significant economic and social potential, many young people in Kolda find themselves without prospects for the future, facing unemployment, poverty and isolation. This is why through this project, concrete measures will be taken to support and promote the youth of Kolda, in order to allow them to flourish and contribute to the development of the region. »



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