a text adopted in Parliament eliminates two “justices” for women

a text adopted in Parliament eliminates two “justices” for women
a text adopted in Parliament eliminates two “justices” for women

POLITICS – From ” common sense “. Parliament adopted this Thursday, May 23, after a unanimous vote of the Assembly, a text attacking two “injustices” affecting the vast majority of women, and which aim in particular to deprive murderous spouses of any advantage linked to the marriage contract.

This text on the “property justice within the family” was adopted unanimously by the National Assembly this Thursday morning, after a similar vote in the Senate on Wednesday evening.

The first article deprives spouses convicted of murder or attempted murder of a spouse of the matrimonial benefits provided for in the marriage contract, thus correcting a “serious deficiency” of law, according to Minister of Public Accounts Thomas Cazenave.

If the spouse who killed his partner is excluded from his inheritance, the law which was until now “mute” on this subject, allowed a murderer to “benefit from goods” of his victim, one thing “inconceivable”declared MoDem MP Perrine Goulet, rapporteur of the text, to AFP.

The deputies from the different political groups who took the podium one after the other welcomed the end of this “aberration”, “indecent blind spot in our legislation”while around a hundred feminicides take place each year in France.

Of the “shattered lives”

The adoption of this text ” is a good thing. We would almost have to set up a structure to track down in the various codes that govern us this kind of slag which dates from the time when there was no consideration at all of violence against women”reacted to AFP Suzy Rojtman¸ spokesperson for the National Collective for Women’s Rights.

The other part of the text should allow people separated from their spouse to be more easily exempted from the joint payment of tax debts contracted by the latter, when they were neither aware of nor benefited from it.

This “fiscal solidarity” was able to transform into ” nightmare “ And “financial distress” for certain former civil servants or ex-marrieds, recognized Minister Cazenave.

Until then, ex-spouses were required to repay tax debts contracted by the other – some 80% of professional debts, according to the Collective – if their property and financial situation did not present any problems. “marked disproportion” compared to these. In summary : “if you had money, even if you were innocent, you had to pay it back”explained Perrine Goulet.

In 2023, only a third of exemption requests had been accepted by the tax administration.

“Most of the time, the men have organized their insolvency or fled abroad, the woman finds herself having her wages, her bank accounts seized, her car, her property seized”underlines Annabel-Mauve Bonnefous, the president of the “Collective of divorced women victims of fiscal solidarity”, evoking “shattered lives” and an “great psychological distress”. The law, which will apply including to ongoing cases, creates “a new hope”she judged.

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