Haute-. How to get compensation in the event of a natural disaster?

Haute-. How to get compensation in the event of a natural disaster?
Haute-Loire. How to get compensation in the event of a natural disaster?

Very quickly after the disastrous events of Thursday, October 17, a request for recognition of the state of Natural Disaster was launched by the prefecture. It “is in progress” indicated the state services in a press release written on Sunday October 20.

Contact your insurer immediately

For this to be officially recorded, a ministerial decree must be issued by the Government. As soon as this is done, “individuals and businesses will have 30 days to report the loss to their insurance company,” specifies the prefecture. Telephone, email, SMS, online, you choose the channel through which you wish to take the steps.

“However, the Haute- prefect encourages the people concerned to contact their insurer without delay to trigger the arrival of the expert and document their claim (taking a photo, etc.). » It is also advisable to send your insurer, as soon as possible, an estimated statement of losses. All while taking the necessary measures to prevent the damage from getting worse. “If you have to carry out immediate clearances or emergency repairs, keep proof of the damaged property as far as possible (invoices, photographs, videos, etc.). »

No insurance, no compensation

If the state of natural disaster is declared, several damages and costs are covered. But be careful, not everything! Indeed, as the prefecture indicates, “the natural disaster guarantee provides for coverage of direct material damage caused only to the insured property if this is covered in the insurance contract”. In short: no insurance, no compensation. In addition, the abnormal intensity of the natural agent must be the determining and direct cause of the damage.

Thus, direct material damage to buildings, equipment, outdoor stocks, goods, furniture, animals under buildings, wood and forests and harvested crops are covered, including the replacement value for buildings if it is provided for in the contract. . Architect, decorator, technical inspection and engineering fees. The costs of demolition and clearing of insured property damaged by the disaster. Damage attributable to humidity or condensation resulting from stagnant water in the premises.

The costs of pumping, cleaning and disinfection of the damaged premises and any rescue measures. The costs of geotechnical studies necessary for the restoration of the guaranteed property. Foundations, retaining walls, fence walls and exterior equipment if guaranteed. Woods and forests. Greenhouses and shelters comply with construction standards.

Cars, motorcycles, construction equipment, etc. insured for damage (the only compulsory civil liability guarantee does not cover this type of loss). Operating losses and additional operating costs resulting from material damage to insured property when this guarantee has been taken out.

We must not forget that a legal excess always remains the responsibility of the insured. The amount of the latter may vary.

More information from the Interministerial Defense and Civil Protection Service (SIDPC) by email: [email protected]



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