The Hérault National Forestry Office recalls the rules regarding mushroom picking

The Hérault National Forestry Office recalls the rules regarding mushroom picking
The Hérault Gard National Forestry Office recalls the rules regarding mushroom picking

Autumn is mushroom season and picking attracts many enthusiasts to the Cévennes. To ensure that the pleasure remains complete and shared, the Hérault National Forestry Office reminds us of a few rules and gives some advice.

In order to contribute to everyone’s safety and the maintenance of essential biodiversity in forest areas, the law regulates collection.

Harvesting must be subject to prior authorization from the owner (article 547 of the Civil Code) for private land. In national forests, it is tolerated but must be carried out within the framework of family consumption and the samples must remain reasonable and not exceed five liters per person.

No more than five liters

Beyond five liters (approximately a five-kilo basket), mushroom picking becomes fraudulent. Checks take place regularly and can lead to prosecution and heavy penalties in the event of excessive picking.

Between five and ten liters, collection is punishable by a fine of €135, as indicated in art R163-5 of the Forest Code.

Beyond ten liters, the penalties increase considerably. It is then an offense, punishable by three years of imprisonment and €45,000 fines (articles 311-3 of the Penal Code defining theft and L163-11 of the Forest Code).

Do not cut the foot

Furthermore, to ensure that the collection goes well, the ONF naturalists give some advice: Inform your loved ones of your destination. Find out about the collection location and check the collection authorization. Equip yourself with a basket. Pick mushrooms that are adult size and in good condition. Contrary to popular belief, pull out the mushroom and not cut it because the stem contains important information. Respect the humus, the layer of earth on the surface which is essential. Opt for conspicuous clothing and do not enter logging areas or hunting areas. Park in the appropriate spaces. Finally, don’t trust apps on phones to identify mushrooms. If in doubt, seek the advice of a specialist, pharmacist or mycologist.



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