Departmental council, municipal council, National Assembly… Political indiscretions in Tarn-et-Garonne from October 20, 2024

the essential
Every Sunday, La Dépêche du Midi de Tarn-et-Garonne delivers its political indiscretions of the week. For October 20, 2024, there is question of departmental council, municipal council of and an election for the vice-president of a group of the National Assembly…

Child welfare case

The emotion of the departmental advisors

Rarely has a session of the departmental council caused so much emotion. The tension accumulated throughout the day, which remained hidden, was felt in the last words of the elected officials, after the withdrawal of the motion tabled by the president of the finance committee Valérie Rabault. She repeated on several occasions how much it “cost” her to publicly table such a motion. It was then up to President Weill to confide his troubled feelings about this affair. He was followed by José Gonzalez, Nadine Sinopoli, Marie-Claude Nègre and Dominique Sardeing.

Departmental Council

“New or used vehicle?”

In a report finally adjourned after an amendment from the Les Engagés group, the departmental council had to examine the subsidy request from an association wishing to acquire a new vehicle to offer its services. “But why don’t they want to buy something second-hand?” asked Mathieu Albugues.

What the mayor of Valencia apparently confirmed behind closed doors. “Bring water to my mill!”, the elected representative of the country of Serres told him. “Don’t spy on my private discussions!”, first said the mayor of Valencia, hilariously. Before repeating, at an open microphone: “I can confirm that we only buy second-hand!”

Jean-Michel Baylet was in good shape during the departmental council session, Thursday October 17, 2024.

“We adjourn!”

Once the three reports requesting subsidies had been postponed, Jean-Luc Deprince indulged in a confession, still open microphone: “We will go faster like that!”, slipped the mayor of Beaumont-de-Lomagne.

The discussion then seemed to open on another subsidy for the construction of a 60-place nursing home in Labastide-Saint-Pierre. Intoxicated by the relaxed moment in the heart of a marathon session, Jean-Michel Baylet indulged in one last joke: “We’re postponing!”, he said in a humorous tone, provoking the general hilarity.

Once the good word had been passed, Nadine Sinopoli was able to resume the course of her presentation.

Dominique Sardeing in a chair

The vice-president of the departmental council Dominique Sardeing appeared in a wheelchair during the plenary session of the departmental council on Thursday. A nasty injury to her left ankle prevents her from moving as she wants. Valérie Rabault and Clarisse Heulland allowed him to rest his arms during several trips to the permanent committee room…

Montauban City Council

The “names of birds” by Patrick Mieulet

The affair of the right of pre-emption exercised by the town hall of Montauban during the sale of the Médiathèque brewery gave rise to tense exchanges between the majority and the opposition, during the session of October 14. After recording the abstention of the 7 left-wing elected officials, Marie-Claude Berly was relieved to move on “to a lighter subject, street names, which should be unanimous.”

To which Fabrice Mieulet, district deputy responsible for presenting this deliberation, responded spontaneously: “It’s lighter, yes, Madam Mayor, since we’re going to talk about bird names.” Bursts of laughter in the municipal council room which voted as one to create rue des Moineaux and rue des Pinsons.

Arnaud Hilion defends the “nugget” of the Fort building.

Arnaud Hilion defends a nugget

Will the First Federal Secretary of the PS go back to gold panning? Monday evening, when commenting on the decision of the majority to buy the building at 7, rue du Fort in Tarn-et-Garonne habitat to make it a health center, Arnaud Hilion regretted that the cultural and social vocation of the residence of the Fort is not further asserted and exploited. “This Fort complex is a gem for the city center, I don’t know if you realize that.”

Brigitte Barèges, simple advisor but on the platform

Marie-Claude Berly assured her at the time of her election in August 2024, she will not be a shoddy mayor. Two months later, we were able to gauge that Brigitte Barèges, once again a simple municipal councilor, still took a place of choice (physically and symbolically) within the municipal and community councils.

Brigitte Barèges simple community councilor but on the platform, as in the municipal council elsewhere…
Brigitte Barèges simple community councilor but on the platform, as in the municipal council elsewhere…

Firstly because it is always located in the platform normally reserved for deputies, to the left of the existing mayor. Then because unlike her counterparts who ask the session chair to speak, she unpacks her remarks whenever she sees fit. So, certainly, she held the stick for more than twenty-three years, but she no longer has it. Things should change…

National Assembly

Ms Barèges vice-president of the UDR

The Dispatch devoted a few weeks ago a file to the resignation of Brigitte Barèges from the post of president of Les Républicains de Tarn-et-Garonne, without officially announcing that she was tearing up her party card. The deputy for the first constituency launched an appeal to join the Union of Republican Rights (UDR), co-founded with Éric Ciotti. She also became vice-president of the UDR group in the National Assembly. It must be said that apart from the deputy for Alpes-Maritimes and Ms. Barèges, the other members are, without disrespect, second-rate elected officials.



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