Young handball players competing in mainland France

Young handball players competing in mainland France
Young handball players competing in mainland France

The junior boys’ handball team from Tsimkoura middle school, in the commune of Chirongui, will compete in the French UNSS (National School Sports Union) championships in Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire, in mainland France, from Wednesday 29 to Friday 31 may. A sporting stay also based on living together.

Departure Sunday from Mayotte, arrival Monday. A team of twelve students (eleven from the Tsimkoura college and a young official from the Bandrélé college) will take off towards the metropolis to participate in the French handball championships of the National School Sports Union (UNSS) thanks to its qualification at the departmental level (at the district championship on March 13 against Bandrélé and Bouéni and at the academic final on March 27 against Tsingoni and Chiconi). The competition will take place from Wednesday May 29 to Friday May 31, in Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire, near Tours.

“There is a lot of excitement and a little bit of stress at the idea of ​​competing in this championship in front of people », Reports Jeanne Robidel, one of the two supervising teachers, passionate about handball, with physical education and sports teacher Emma Rouger. The last training took place this Wednesday, “ to talk about sports strategies » and continue with the final preparations. “We try to plan everything well in terms of clothing because the weather will not be the same. We are in contact with families to organize trips to the barge “, she lists, adding that before departure, these students essentially from 3th are also revising the oral exams for the brevet which they will take on their return, on June 2. “ So that it does not impact their academic success but that it is just a bonus”she emphasizes.

“We are going to focus on group life”

Moreover, Jeanne Robidel explains the link between sporting and academic performance, the gain in self-confidence and in one’s abilities that handball allows, not to mention the learning of fair play. “ We will focus on group life, the team is quite heterogeneous in terms of levels », develops the one who sees it as a means of encouraging a civic attitude.

Before getting down to business, this stay will also be an opportunity for the group to enjoy the surroundings for two days and discover a new environment. the opposite of what they know », thanks to funds raised via an online prize pool. In addition to the 20,000 euros budget (funding from the UNSS, the college and a contribution from families which covers transport, accommodation and meals), the team therefore received more than 900 euros. in just a few hours! », exclaims Jeanne Robidel, one of the two supervising teachers. This will allow them to visit a castle in the Loire (probably Amboise), the town of Tours, explore the Loire, and organize an activity such as tree climbing. “ We are super happy. »

Kawéni students on the hip-hop podium

Last week, students from Younoussa-Bamana high school and Kawéni 1 college went to represent Mayotte at the French hip-hop battle dance championship organized by the UNSS from May 14 to 17. Kawéni came in third place and Bamana, in fourth. “ It’s a real success », Comments Professor Alban Rizitelli, who left for Marseille with the group for the competition.



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