the Assize Court pronounces 30 years against Diego

the Assize Court pronounces 30 years against Diego
the Yvelines Assize Court pronounces 30 years against Diego


Francois Desserre

Published on

Oct. 18 2024 at 9:57 p.m
; updated Oct 18, 2024 at 9:58 p.m.

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The sentence fell on the evening of this Friday, October 18, 2024. Diego D., 31, received 30 years of imprisonment criminal for a double murder: that of his mother and his stepfather. The events took place in October 2021, in Bazemont in . The man claimed to have suffered from disorders, increased by heavy consumption of cannabis. In their decision, the jurors of the Assize Court ordered a 7-year socio-judicial follow-up.

Throughout the week, Diego D.’s trial was both a legal and medical process. If the facts were incontestable, supported at the time by the first desire to recover a geek computerthe issue of this hearing was to know whether the accused was in his right mind. The assessments therefore took up time and energy.

“He committed the supreme betrayal”

Amnesiac? Schizophrenic? Psychopath? Or fully aware of his actions. The last day of the hearing allowed each party to advance their pawns in front of the jury.

In the ranks of the civil party, there is no longer any time for half-measures after hours of waiting for Diego to remember. “He killed his mother, the one who carried him, supported him in the hardest times. He took a first step towards the civil parties but it is not enough. There will be one chance and only one left to tell us why. Afterwards, it will be too late,” says a first lawyer. “His mother had a lot of projects left even though she was very ill. Projects swept away in a moment of incredible violence », Adds a second tip. There will be seven of them in succession to denounce “a sale gosse spoiled from a very young age and who lives like in the Middle Ages by killing with knives”, “a guy who falls out with everyone. The teachers, the neighbors, the employer: all idiots.”

Killing his mother… “He committed the ultimate betrayal,” pleads the victims’ last lawyer.

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Of hatred and fury

Enough to open up the time of the general counsel. ” Yes. You have to be crazy to kill your parents. Whatever the reason. »

Faced with a popular jury, the magistrate works to explain what the role of each person is. She speaks on behalf of society. They must provide “a judicial and not a medical response. » She knows that after her the defense will survey the psychiatric field for Diego’s interests.

“You judge a man for what he did at a given time, not for what he has become today. »

Ségolène Marés, general advocate, facing the accused who does not move an eyelash

“The scene that was described to you is not crazy. It did not take place under the influence of an uncontrollable force. Yes psychopathic traits are present and played a role. But he also demonstrated a willingness to give free rein to his hatred and fury. »

A stone’s throw from life imprisonment, the attorney general is demanding 30 years of imprisonment, accompanied by 20 years of safetyand 20 years of socio-judicial monitoring.

“Monsters don’t exist”

For the defense, in the words of Joffrey Meyer, it is the abolition of discernment which must put an end to this week of hearing. “His paranoid schizophrenia did not appear in prison. He was sick before. And the expertise carried out afterwards put a name to his illness. He was not and is not capable of fooling seasoned experts. » And to continue, after taking the time to bow to the dignity of the victims:

“Monsters don’t exist. Monstrous acts yes. But they are always committed by men. To find the right sentence, you will have to be more courageous than the other days of your life. »

Friday evening, it was with his head bowed, his face closed, his eyes empty of any feeling that Diego received the sentence. Sentence that the Assize Court motivated by this unpleasant feeling that the condemned was “a child kingintolerant of frustration.” In particular that of seeing his father-in-law refuse to give him back his computer before he settles his financial debt.

The abolition of discernment was not accepted. Alteration yes.

Diego D has 10 days to appeal.

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