What you need to know about the passage of the Olympic flame in Mayenne on May 29

What you need to know about the passage of the Olympic flame in Mayenne on May 29
What you need to know about the passage of the Olympic flame in Mayenne on May 29

The Olympic torch relay will pass through Mayenne on Wednesday May 29, 2024. It will leave from rue Volney at 3:35 p.m. and will finish its journey in the city at 4:20 p.m.

What will be the path of the flame?

The Olympic flame will follow a 3 km circuit on both banks of the city. It will leave from rue Volney, near Grand-Nord, at 3:35 p.m. It will then pass through rue Saint-Martin, the Notre-Dame bridge, and place Clemenceau.

A drop-off is planned in the castle park, around 4 p.m.: the flame bearer will enter, without the convoy, and will exit via Place Juhel. Access to the park will be limited to children from leisure centers, young people from sports clubs and school sports associations. “It will allow young people to see the flame and wait for it in good conditions,” underlines Jean-Pierre Le Scornet, the mayor. People with disabilities will also be able to have access to the park, if they request it before Thursday, May 23 in the evening, at the address: [email protected]

The route then goes up rue Pierre-Curie to the Collège Sévigné before going back down to reach its finish, at the corner of rue du 130e-infantry-regiment and Charles-de-Gaulle, at 4:20 p.m.

The torch relay route in Mayenne. | PARIS 2024
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The torch relay route in Mayenne. | PARIS 2024

What activities are planned?

To accompany the passage of the flame, activities are planned all afternoon in different places in the city. On the Grand-Nord square, initiations will be offered from 1:30 p.m. by the Entente athlétique Nord-Mayenne and the Mastria 53 triathlon club. Musicians from the conservatory will accompany the departure of the flame.

On Place Juhel, a sports village will be set up with nine local clubs and the departmental Olympic and disabled sports committees. He will welcome the public from 1:30 p.m. until the passing of the flame.

In the castle park, sports activities will be offered to young people, from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Smile Quintet brass band will play from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., in the castle park and at the finish. “Around fifteen associations are mobilized”, specifies Sylvain Le Rouzic, director of the sports and community life department in Mayenne.

What are the rules for parking and traffic?

Along the flame route, parking will be prohibited from 8 a.m. “With an exception for quick stops, until noon, on Place Clemenceau and Place du 9-June”, admits the mayor.

Traffic will be prohibited around the route from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Diversions will be put in place.

Traffic and parking will also be prohibited at the exhibition center from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The place will welcome the torchbearers and the convoy.

Who to carry the flame?

Around fifteen flame bearers will take turns in Mayenne. Their identity has not been revealed although a few names are known. Like that of Daniel Fernandez, an 85-year-old athlete, multi-medalist and dean of the high jump in France.

The flame bearers will be surrounded by extensive security and accompanied by a convoy nearly a kilometer long.

What is the expected mobilization?

It is difficult to anticipate the number of people present in Mayenne for this passing of the flame. “But we can expect to have people,” believes Jean-Pierre Le Scornet. Around 500 young people will be in the castle grounds for the drop-off.

As for the system put in place, around sixty municipal agents will be mobilized the same day.



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