200 kg of cannabis hidden in a refrigerated truck

200 kg of cannabis hidden in a refrigerated truck
200 kg of cannabis hidden in a refrigerated truck

The A36, a favored route for drug traffickers, is also a popular hunting ground for Comtois customs officers. The goods transit there in astronomical quantities. This May 19 at the Marchaux motorway area, the Doubs bloodhounds carried out yet another large-scale seizure.

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Their attention was attracted by a refrigerated truck coming from Spain. Hidden among the foodstuffs, 150 kg of cannabis resin and 47 kg of cannabis herb were sniffed out by the search dog. The driver, Moroccan, was handed over to the gendarmes and placed in police custody. The man was in possession of several cell phones, one of which contained photos of drugs, but denied being aware of the presence of the merchandise.

The “mule” was brought before the prosecution this Tuesday. He will be tried in immediate appearance this Wednesday in Besançon. In 2023, Franche-Comté customs recalls that it has seized a total of 6.7 tonnes of cannabis, or €35 million on the illicit market.




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