A woman arrested for delivering Indian hemp to a Gendarme

A woman arrested for delivering Indian hemp to a Gendarme
A woman arrested for delivering Indian hemp to a Gendarme

In a daring operation, the gendarmes of the Taïf Proximity Brigade recently put an end to the activities of an Indian hemp trafficking network based in the village of Diguine Peulh, in the commune of Mbacké. A young woman, NB, was arrested after selling drugs to an undercover gendarme, while her husband managed to flee.

A well-designed investigation

The operation, led by Commander Mbaye, was the result of a careful investigation. According to L’Observateur, the gendarmes received information about an active Indian hemp trafficking network managed by a couple. After analyzing this information, the police decided to pose as potential customers in order to trap the traffickers.

A gendarme was then sent to the couple’s home under the guise of a consumer of Indian hemp. During this interaction, NB collected the sum of 2,500 FCFA for a delivery, then heading into the bush to collect a large package of drugs. By observing that the package was not covered in sand, the gendarme understood that the trafficker was trying to hide the merchandise under grass.

The Interpellation

Equipped with these elements, the gendarmes decided to take action. On Tuesday morning, they carried out a surprise raid on NB’s home and arrested her while she was in possession of eight cones of Indian hemp. Her husband, meanwhile, managed to escape, complicating authorities’ efforts to completely dismantle the network.

Questioned about the facts, the young woman quickly admitted her involvement, although she tried to exonerate her husband, who remains nowhere to be found. Faced with a history of trafficking, NB was indicted for offering and selling Indian hemp. She was referred to the Diourbel public prosecutor’s office, while the gendarmes intensify their search to find her husband and put an end to this trafficking network.




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