a 16-year-old boy fatally attacked with a knife

a 16-year-old boy fatally attacked with a knife
a 16-year-old boy fatally attacked with a knife

The mayor of Aulnay-sous-, Bruno Beschizza – also national secretary of the Republicans in charge of security, launched on Saturday “a solemn appeal for calm”, to “above all not fall into a spiral of revenge or reprisals”. “For me, this has no link with neighborhood rivalries, it is not the preferred hypothesis, we had no precursory signs of gang or neighborhood rivalries,” assured the councilor.

Sustained vigilance

The tragedy occurred Friday evening near a burger restaurant located at the intersection of two major roads, where “kids from all neighborhoods” of the city (of 85,000 inhabitants) converge, he underlined. . “We would apparently be in something completely irrational, not the settling of scores linked to drug trafficking, not gang warfare, but a quarrel of adolescents which escalates and reaches the worst end, death of a young person,” said the mayor.

The police are exercising “sustained vigilance” to try to avoid possible “retaliatory actions”, a police source also indicated. The phenomena of rivalries between gangs are taken into account even if the altercation does not necessarily originate in the neighborhoods from which the people involved come, underlined this source. A psychological unit must be set up for the students of the establishment where the teenager was educated, the Jean-Zay high school.



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