Draft Budget 2025. “As it stands, 15 million euros will be allocated to the Departmental Council of Maine-et-. », Announces Senator Grégory Blanc

Draft Budget 2025. “As it stands, 15 million euros will be allocated to the Departmental Council of Maine-et-. », Announces Senator Grégory Blanc
Draft Budget 2025. “As it stands, 15 million euros will be allocated to the Departmental Council of Maine-et-Loire. », Announces Senator Grégory Blanc
Grégory Blanc, Senator from Maine-et- and member of the Senate Finance Committee

The French government, faced with a soaring public deficit beyond 6% this year, presented on Thursday a draft budget for 2025 which provides for massive savings of 41.3 billion euros and 19.3 billion euros additional revenue via a significant increase in taxes.

Completed in record time after more than two months of political paralysis following the dissolution of the National Assembly and early legislative elections without a real winner, the Finance bill (PLF), presented to the Council of Ministers with the draft of the Social Security Financing Act (PLFSS), is now suspended from a high-risk parliamentary process.

“The real effort of this budget is only 40 billion distributed at 70% via tax, and 30% on expenditure (without structural reform) and not 60 billion euros with 1/3 increase tax and 2/3 reduction in spending, as communicated by the government. »indicates Grégory Blanc, senator and member of the Finance Committee

As such, the Departments – although already faced with difficult situations – are put to
contribution. “As it stands, 15 million euros will be allocated to the Departmental Council of
Maine-et-Loire. »
specifies Grégory Blanc, who was hearing this morning in the Senate Finance Committee, Pierre Moscovici, President of the High Council of Public Finances, then Ministers Antoine Armand and Laurent Saint-Martin, for the Economy, and for public accounts.



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