Eggs distributed free to protest against the arrival of a new hatchery in

Eggs distributed free to protest against the arrival of a new hatchery in
Eggs distributed free to protest against the arrival of a new hatchery in Reunion

The chick breeding breeders of Island are angry. They deplore the recent arrival of a new company in the sector of producing chicks intended for breeding. A situation which makes them fear a disruption of the local market.

To protest, they organized a free distribution of eggs, from a production surplus, in front of the Saint-Denis prefecture, Wednesday October 9, 2024, reports Meeting the 1st .

Until 2024, the Couvée d’or company, to which they sell their eggs, was the only company on the island to hatch them in its hatchery and then sell the chicks to broiler producers.

But by entering the market, its new competitor Les Fermiers du sud decided to import 70,000 eggs per week from mainland , to hatch them in its own hatchery in Saint-Joseph, explains the site d ‘information.

A sector in danger

For Couvée d’or, these are so many eggs that she can no longer put in the incubator. But contracts with its suppliers still require it to order as many as before, which leads to overproduction compared to market needs. “We have lost roughly 25% since the start of the new tool,” lamented its director to our colleagues.

Breeding breeders for their part fear that Couvée d’or will no longer order as many eggs from them as before, even though it is their only buyer. A situation which could put their profession in danger because the price at which they sell their eggs would no longer allow them to meet their needs, notes Meeting the 1st.



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