with the 2025 budget, the defenders of the system win a first battle

with the 2025 budget, the defenders of the system win a first battle
with the 2025 budget, the defenders of the system win a first battle
SEBASTIEN SALOM-GOMIS / AFP Before entering the government, Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau called for the AME to be abolished (here in photo on October 4, 2024)


Before entering the government, Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau called for the AME to be abolished (here in photo on October 4, 2024)

POLITICS – The medical world: 1. Bruno Retailleau: 0. While the government presents this Thursday, October 10 its finance bill (PLF) for 2025, accompanied by the Social Security Financing Bill (PLFSS), a budget line is enough to make Bruno Retailleau jump: the one devoted to State Medical Aid. A system that the Minister of the Interior, in accordance with the Legislative Pact presented by Les Républicains, called (at a minimum) to reform.

However, its envelope increases soberly, going from 1.1 billion in 2024 to 1.2 billion in 2025. Above all, the text enshrines the philosophy of AME, as defended by caregivers. “ This system, the health necessity of which was recently recalled by the mission of Claude Evin and Patrick Stefanini, contributes to protecting the entire population from epidemiological and health risks. », argues the government, specifying that it is a question of ensuring “ access to care for people in an irregular situation with a health and humanitarian aim “. Which, a priori, removes the prospect of seeing the scope of the AME reduced to only “ EMERGENCIES », as recommended by Bruno Retailleau in his argument, contested by the world of health.


In its copy, the government also recalls that this system is particularly controlled. “ These credits take into account the effect of measures implemented for several years to strengthen controls and the fight against abuse and misuse of this benefit: physical submission of AME applications to primary health insurance funds (CPAM ) ; access to the Visabio database which allows funds to ensure that foreigners, in a legal situation and who must be covered by their State of origin or private insurance, cannot benefit from AME or urgent care », explains the executive, as if to put an end to the fantasies surrounding this aid which, let us remember, is requested by only 50% of the eligible population.

However, as if to give assurances to the slayers of the AME, the government specifies that “ control and anti-fraud systems are strengthened to ensure rigorous management of this system “. But as it stands, and as the Minister of Health Geneviève Darrieussecq wished, the budget for this humanitarian aid is well secured for next year. No offense to his colleague from the Interior who, before joining the government, called for the AME to be abolished to recover 1 billion euros.

Also see on Le HuffPost :

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