Guilty of 14 criminal arsons: 8-year sentence for Chapais arsonist, Brian Paré

Guilty of 14 criminal arsons: 8-year sentence for Chapais arsonist, Brian Paré
Guilty of 14 criminal arsons: 8-year sentence for Chapais arsonist, Brian Paré

The court ruled: Brian Paré, the man who admitted to setting 14 arson attacks during the summer of 2023, including the one that forced the evacuation of Chapais, will have to spend 8 years behind bars.

Quebec court judge Jean-François Poirier rendered his decision Thursday afternoon at the Chibougamau courthouse in this case “without comparison in Canada.”

The extent of the damage caused by the 38-year-old man to the forest, but, above all, the impact that his actions had on the population who had to be evacuated were the predominant factors mentioned by the judge to explain the verdict.

“When evacuating Cavan Lake, time was of the essence. Emergency services had to work day and night. Businesses and schools had to close and the mayor of Chapais claims that part of her went up in smoke with the fire 213,” the magistrate dropped to explain his decision.

In total, Brian Paré receives a sentence of 96 months, less 19 and a half months which have already been served. He will therefore spend nearly six and a half years in a federal penitentiary for the crimes he committed.

More details will follow…




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