Two deer found decapitated in quick succession in Haute-Garonne: what happened?

Two deer found decapitated in quick succession in Haute-Garonne: what happened?
Two deer found decapitated in quick succession in Haute-Garonne: what happened?


Gilles Rolland

Published on

Oct 9, 2024 at 6:02 p.m.

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The case is not common. Two deer were found decapitated in Comminges in Haute-Garonne during the weekend of October 6 and 7, 2024.

What happened? Difficult to say at the moment but one thing is certain: the investigation is likely to be long for the gendarmerie and the French Biodiversity Office (OBF).

A first animal found

The first animal was discovered by a resident, in a field, between Wait et Milesas reported to Toulouse News a source close to the file, confirming the information from La Dépêche du Midi.

The scene is unbearable. The deer was decapitated and left there, at the mercy of scavengers, who were quick to seize it. The majestic mammal lies in the grass, in the middle of a pool of blood…

The horror continues

About ten kilometers away, a second deer, also decapitated, was found in the town of Cazaunousalso in Comminges.

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Several questions arise in the face of such barbaric acts. For what purpose did the perpetrator(s) of this massacre decapitate the animals? Do the corpses have bullet holes? Is this a dark story of trafficking in hunting trophies? At the moment, it is difficult to know more.

The Saint-Gaudens prosecutor “does not rule out any leads”

Joined by Toulouse News, Christophe Amunzateguy, prosecutor of the Republic of the judicial court of Saint-Gaudensconfirms the details. He explains that he “entrusted the matter to the French Biodiversity Office”.

He goes on to point out that “one of the two animals obviously killed itself after becoming stuck in a fence”. For the other, however, the mystery remains. The investigation aims to understand the conditions of the slaughter, but also the circumstances and the reason for the decapitation.

“No leads have been ruled out,” concludes the prosecutor.

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