Stop the consultation! Stopping the project?

Stop the consultation! Stopping the project?
Stop the consultation! Stopping the project?


Mereva in Bali

Published on

Oct 9, 2024 at 6:16 a.m.

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Have the elected representatives of the Ile-de- region opposed to the New - Line (LNPN) project been heard? Despite the end of the electoral reserve linked to the early legislative elections of June and July 2024 and the appointment of the new government, the dates of the consultation workshops around the LNPN, notably in Épône, Villennes-sur-Seine () and (Hauts-de-Seine), remain unknown.

“The consultation will only be able to resume after a review of the modalities of dialogue and participationinspired by the principles that govern full public participation,” recently announced Isabelle Jarry and Dominique Viel, guarantors of the consultation.

A petition deemed “biased”

In their letter posted online in September 2024, the two women designated by the government to oversee the negotiation process for the LNPN project complain about the climat hostile which they face, and which does not allow “the transparency necessary for informed public information”.

They regret the organization of a public meeting in Montesson “excluding the presence of the project owner (SNCF Réseau in this case, Editor’s note) and the guarantors”, deplore ” aggressive remarks » made publicly against them and call into question the petition posted online by the urban community Grand Paris Seine & Oise (GPS&O), which includes, according to them, “a certain number of inaccuracies and biased information”.

The new Paris-Normandy Line project as envisaged when the launch of the consultation was announced in May 2024. ©SNCF Réseau

Astonishment to the urban community

“Very surprised” by these statements, the president of GPS&O, Cécile Zammit-Popescu, rejects the accusations. “The urban community is not involved in the organization of the Montesson meeting,” she assures. The only meeting I attended in the region took place in Meulan and concerned the grade separation at Paris Saint-Lazare station. There were no inappropriate comments, no taking part in the guarantorswho explained their role. »

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Welcoming the position of the guarantors during the last steering committee, in March 2024, who wanted “quality consultation for a complicated subject for Ile-de-France residents », the one who is also mayor of Meulan-en-Yvelines says she is surprised by their statements on the petition.

“All the elements that we give in the text of the petition were communicated to us by SNCF Réseau. It is not a public consultation body, it does not replace consultation. So its content only concerns us, the guarantors do not have to pass judgment on it. »

Cécile Zammit-Popescu, president of GPS&O

Senator Ghislaine Senée still goes it alone

Among all the elected officials of Yvelines, only senator Ghislaine Senée was positioned in favor of the creation of the first two sections of the LNPN.

“Not wanting to strengthen the Normandy line and decouple the two traffics is a serious political error,” she maintains. Without an additional track, it will also be impossible to meet the freight objectives that we have set for ourselves (an increase of 30% by 2030, Editor’s note). » Transport by river cannot be applied to all goods transported. “This method takes a lot more time, it is not possible for perishable foods, for example,” she explains.

The elected environmentalist finally assures that the 280 hectares of agricultural land impacted by the LNPN are a small price to pay for the development of carbon-free transport. “Just for the creation of the new bridge in Achères, 500 hectares of land are threatened,” she underlines. And there, that doesn’t bother anyone. This double standard is no longer possible. Environmentally, developing the rail network is more viable than seeing the A13 saturated every weekend. »

A listening mission desired by the project owner

Feeling that it will not be easy to convince elected officials who are very angry about a project already nicknamed “the debt train” for its estimated cost between 10 and 15 billion euros SNCF Réseau has revised its copy.

“A phase of additional discussions with elected officials and regional stakeholders is underway. Its objective is to listen and understand the points of view present. »

SNCF Network

Next steering committee on October 16, 2024

The Nicaya Conseil firm, mandated by SNCF Réseau, therefore met the mayors concerned as well as Sophie Primas (the senator has since become a minister, Editor’s note) at the start of the school year. “They didn’t let us nothing more saidthan the speech we have been hearing for months,” testifies Cécile Zammit-Popescu.

The president of GPS&O is now waiting for the next steering committee, scheduled for October 16, 2024, to find out if at least one of her requests has been heard: that of see the association of elected representatives of the Saint-Germain Boucles de Seine urban communityat these meetings.


• March 21: meeting of the LNPN project steering committee.
• May 6: launch of the consultation in (Seine-Maritime).
• May 29: Sophie Primas, at the time a senator and now a deputy minister, announces in Le Courrier de Mantes the creation of a collective of elected officials opposed to the LNPN.
• June 9: Emmanuel Macron announces the dissolution of the National Assembly. The following campaign is synonymous with electoral reserve for the projects under discussion.
• June 11: Nicole Bristol, mayor of Montesson, brings together 400 people at a public meeting where she calls on residents to mobilize against the project.
• June 20: the Grand Paris Seine & Oise urban community (GPS&O) puts a petition online to say “No to the LNPN”. She collected nearly 15,000 signatures. Opposition banners are also hung in the municipalities concerned.
• July 9: the public meeting planned in Épône, one of three in Île-de-France on this issue, is postponed.
• September 11: elected officials from the Île-de-France Region vote on a motion against the project.
• September 19: a towing operation is organized by GPS&O elected officials at the Mantes-la-Jolie station.

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