these elected officials will look into collective self-consumption of electricity

these elected officials will look into collective self-consumption of electricity
these elected officials will look into collective self-consumption of electricity

The Oise Picardy community of communes will install photovoltaic panels on the Olympic hall. It is interested in collective self-consumption of electricity which would make it possible, within a radius of 2 to 20 km, to power public buildings, for example.

On September 26, around twenty points were on the agenda of the community council of elected officials from Oise Picardy (52 municipalities in the Breteuil and Froissy sectors).

Study on self-consumption

In terms of works, the elected officials of Oise Picardy signed an agreement with the Oise energy union (SE60) for the installation of photovoltaic panels on the Olympic hall, in Breteuil. These panels will be added to those already in use on several buildings including the swimming pool or the Breteuil schools. “ We really see the usefulness of these panels. With what we produce, we save money”assures President Jean Cauwel. In fact, the savings made thanks to existing panels are of the order of 20 to 30%.

An elected official asks about the storage or resale of the electricity thus produced.

Response from Jean Cauwel:“We are going to study the possibility of powering buildings, in a town hall, a room, within a radius of 2 to 20 km. This is what we call collective self-consumption.”

In fact, the operating cost of buildings and other municipal equipment weighs heavily on a community’s budget.

In addition, collective self-consumption can allow communities to meet the political objectives of the Territorial Climate-Air-Energy Plan (PCAET)


Oise: Antoine launches into photovoltaics for his exploitation



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