Macky Sall: retirement, very little for him

We recognize political beasts by their endurance and the country of the Lions of Teranga is no exception. While life expectancy in Senegal is around 68 years, former president Abdoulaye Wade still holds the reins of his party at 98 years old. More rares are the former heads of state who agree to be demoted in public protocol, even if the former French presidents Valéry Giscard d’Estaing and François Hollande did not hesitate to wear their pants on the benches of the Assembly – the first in 1984 and the second, most recently, in June 2024.

To read: Senegal: Is Abdoulaye Wade too old to lead the PDS?

Does Macky Sall also intend to return to the Senegalese political arena? At the end of last week, he was officially chosen to lead the list of the Takku Wallu Senegal opposition coalition for the legislative elections. anticipated from November 17. And at the start of the week, the Senegalese national television site RTS announced that he was relinquishing his duties as special envoy of the Pact for people and the planet (4P).

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Letting go of international prey for national shadow

There are a few month, shortly before the bogged end of his second term, Macky Sall received what looked like an international rattle, a traditional consolation prize for those who agree to leave their palace. Launched in 2023, the “4P” aims to overhaul the global financial system in order to to jointly fight against the two scourges which, in general, oppose those stressed about the “end of the month” and those anxious about the “end of the world”: poverty and global warming. Macky Sall today explains his choice to withdraw due to “risks of incompatibility et of conflict of interest”, during the electoral campaign in Senegal.

While the last months of his presidency successively inspired suspicion (of a new presidential candidacy), then respect (because he gave up running) and finally incomprehension (faced with the postponement of the election supreme), has Macky Sall abandoned the 4Ps for four “Rs”?

Former Senegalese President Macky Sall at the Elysée Palace in Paris, June 8, 2024. © Xose Bouzas/Hans Lucas via AFP

To read: In Senegal, former President Macky Sall named head of the list for the legislative elections

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Very clever who will precisely determine, in the approach of the former president, the part of “Revenge” towards the duo formed by Bassirou Diomaye Faye and Ousmane Sonko, of “Resistance” in the face of a program of break which could sully his record, of “Responsibility” towards his political family threatened with being relegated to second place, and quite simply of “Resilience”, after twelve years at the top of a State that he does not want not leave permanently.

And if he was re-elected, would Macky Sall resign from his post of MP after saving the furniture? Or would he use this platform to, of course, move back in the hierarchy, but also to better jump into the race for the next presidential election? The future will tell if a new debate will be launched on the constitutionality of a possible return au summit.

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