What you need to know about Algerian expansionism and the origins of hatred of Morocco

What you need to know about Algerian expansionism and the origins of hatred of Morocco
What you need to know about Algerian expansionism and the origins of hatred of Morocco

By Hassan Alaoui

The literature of the Algerian media – starting with the very official APS – without baffling – has accustomed us to an irascible humiliation of lies which reflects more a total and astounding ignorance of the Sahara issue than the propagandist mirror effect that some claim independent titles like “All about Algeria” (TSA) are taking us in stride. Created by Mohamed Boukharrouba, alias Houari Boumediene, “the Sahara affair” constitutes the biggest scam of the century. Because the claim to this territory, occupied until 1975 by Spain, was made by the Kingdom of Morocco already in…1956, just after the Liberation of our country, while Algeria, which became independent only in 1962 , knew nothing, but absolutely nothing about this problem, even less the ghostly Polisario created only in…1973 by Boumediene and his stipendiaries. An official claim filed by Morocco in 1963 once again relaunched the case of restitution of our territory and, once again, Boumediene was not yet in power, since he waited two years to overthrow Ahmed Ben Bella and seize. This also shows the monstrous deception and imposture of the heirs of Boumediene who spent his time insulting King Hassan II and the Moroccan people.

« Morocco Occupying country », « the Sahara, last colony in Africa » etc… It is in these terms that the Algérie Presse Service (APS) agency, the official Algerian agency – “ voice of his master » of course is carried out, as well as the entire armada of media manipulated by the Algerian intelligence services.

Since the official outbreak of “ the Sahara affair » in 1974, the Algerian governments which have succeeded one another until now, their services and their propagandists, all in the same movement of false mystification, have continued to play on a major confusion. That of the voluntary use or misuse of the concept ofdecolonization. With this unfortunate consequence that certain governments and states of the world have allowed themselves to be misled. Worse: those responsible for our national diplomacy have not, if ever, paid particular attention to this precise point, that of the formula of decolonization which is to Algerian propaganda what the suspicious pivot is to dishonest architecture. So much so that, from negligence to a simple and pitiful abandonment on the part of our leaders, we arrive at this paradox that it is the Algerian stipendiaries of the Polisario who want to write our history, distort it as they wish and, seriously , use it against us.

The irresistible fantasy of accession to the Atlantic

Still, our case is barely well defended, it changes hands and actors; but that an essential point like that of the decolonization process is the subject of a semantic violation on purpose, of ignorance on our part and serves as an argument for our established adversaries, that is what disgusts us. The Sahara issue has only ever opposed Morocco and Algeria alone, the latter using it since the beginning – 1975 – as a “ trench warfare » with the (un)confessed objective of appropriating a territory, truly Moroccan since the dawn of time, of installing a “ puppet republic », the pseudo « rsd » and to monopolize its wealth, not to mention the irascible rage to encircle Morocco in its southern borders, by the Atlantic and on its eastern slopes… In other words, all the geopolitics refined for centuries by our Kings and our history, would fall into the hands of an Algeria which, not content with possessing an abundance of oil and gas, with having multiplied its surface area tenfold by monopolizing at least six or seven Moroccan territories in the south-east, would like to yet, besides the Eastern Sahara, get your hands on the one called “ occidental » and on its resources.

In fact therefore of “ decolonization » that Algerian governments have continued to agitate for almost fifty years now, it is a criminal project of recolonization of the southern Moroccan provinces by Algeria. A rehash of the French occupation, its expansionist continuity, its heir in some way. The theory of the United Nations, defended by the 4th Commission responsible for special political questions and decolonization, is to facilitate the accession of ” colonial peoples » to autonomy. This is recorded and well and truly expressed by the legislators and jurists of the international organization. Better: the Fourth Committee of the UN, in the case of a dispute between an occupying power and a country claiming territory – as was the explicit case of Spain and Morocco – officially provides its support for any solution, any negotiated formula, in other words it ratifies what we call today the “ consensual political solution » !

On November 14, 1975, after two marathon weeks and while General Franco was dying, Morocco, Spain and Mauritania signed the Madrid Tripartite Agreement. Its purpose? No more, no less than returning the territory of the Moroccan Sahara that Spain occupied in two stages, at the end of the 19th century and in 1934. This agreement illustrated decolonization in due form, without war or bloodshed. It was in line with UN doctrine. That the Algerian leaders, without faith or law, fought it fiercely reflects a singular cynicism. That they used it as a fallacious argument to invent both a territorial conflict, contest the legitimacy of the Kingdom of Morocco and invent the On November 14, 1975, after two marathon weeks and while General Franco was dying, Morocco, Spain and Mauritania have signed the Madrid Tripartite Agreement. Its purpose? No more, no less than returning the territory of the Moroccan Sahara that Spain occupied in two stages, at the end of the 19th century and in 1930. This agreement illustrated decolonization in due form, without war or bloodshed. It was in line with UN doctrine. That the Algerian leaders, without faith or law, fought it fiercely reflects a singular cynicism.

For what ? Because the same Algeria – all to the honor of its people – not only fought gloriously to wrest its independence, but it negotiated for two years with , in , then in Evian and God knows that the sequence negotiations on the Algerian Sahara aspect was a tough part, because the representatives of the GPRA (Provisional Government of the Algerian Republic) were instructed not to “ give no inch » of the Sahara…In July 1962, Algeria gained independence and its leaders were unaware of Morocco’s claim to its Sahara, submitted to the offices of the United Nations. As for the Polisario, an instrument created out of nothing by the predecessors of the DRS in 1974, no one will dispute that its leaders are from Morocco, neither more nor less, manipulated and become creatures of the Algerian services…

The perfidious Algerian contradiction

Why then what was good for Algeria with France, could not be good for Morocco with Spain? Why would Morocco not be within its rights and in “ his boots “, as is an Algeria which, in defiance of good neighborliness with Morocco, exhausts itself in contesting its Sahara? Especially since Spain in colonizing the Moroccan Sahara had not found an empty territory, without soul and without life, but populations who have always been attached to the Kings of Morocco, performed their prayers in the name of the Sultan , exchanged with a currency struck with the effigy of the same Sultan, in short a whole history and a memory shaped in an interdependence which has never been lacking…

Still invoking the decolonization of the Moroccan Sahara, spreading this crazy qualification of a “colonial Morocco”, obscuring the historical and political truth in the name of an expansionism which does not say, but poorly conceals its name, contradicting itself with regard to the principle of negotiated decolonization holds in fine bad Machiavellianism. The decolonization of the Moroccan Sahara obeyed the principle of direct negotiation, between the occupying power and the beneficiary which is none other than Morocco, the only country which had to face two colonial empires, France and Spain, which had to negotiate its liberation twice with different powers…

Morocco has invested considerably in the Sahara since its liberation in 1975, and this year 2016 will see the implementation of a program of tens and more billions of dirhams which are mobilized to provide the southern provinces with major projects…Exactly in the spirit of the 4th Commission which stipulates that within the framework of autonomy, the retrocession of the territory to its beneficiary is accompanied by an obligation imposed on the latter: to ensure the conditions of development and political and economic emancipation for the populations concerned. It is an understatement to say that the advanced autonomy plan, the economic development plan underway in our southern provinces provide the best response to our detractors…

For what ? Because the same Algeria – all to the honor of its people – not only fought gloriously to wrest its independence, but it negotiated for two years with France, in Melun, then in Evian and God knows that the sequence negotiations on the Algerian Sahara aspect was a tough part, because the representatives of the GPRA (Provisional Government of the Algerian Republic) were instructed not to “ give no inch » of the Sahara…In July 1962, Algeria gained independence and its leaders were unaware of Morocco’s claim to its Sahara, submitted to the offices of the United Nations. As for the Polisario, an instrument created out of nothing by the predecessors of the DRS in 1974, no one will dispute that its leaders are from Morocco, neither more nor less, manipulated and become wishy-washy creatures of the Algerian services…



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