Moussem Belgica: an initiative to celebrate 60 years of exchanges through

Moussem Belgica: an initiative to celebrate 60 years of exchanges through
Moussem Belgica: an initiative to celebrate 60 years of exchanges through art

Moussem Belgica

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the signing of the bilateral labor agreement between Belgium and Morocco, Moussem, the Nomadic Arts Center based in Brussels, announces a new initiative: Moussem Belgica – Transnational Stories. With this event organized in partnership with a group of artists, authors and directors. With this event the center “ returns to its origins, to its Moroccan cultural roots », Indicates a press release.

On the menu for this first edition, which is being held in Tangier, from October 4 to 25, and in Oujda, from November 1 to 30, the Moussem Belgica promises a rich program, with a series of events to highlight the rich exchanges cultural between Morocco and Belgium through three artistic disciplines: visual arts, literature and cinema. The event will be crowned by two publications, developed with the support of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad, which highlight the evolution of Moroccans of transnational origin through the prism of and culture.

« Moussem Belgica – Histoires Transnationales offers a platform to 17 artists with roots Moroccan women whose experiences and connections with multiple countries, often established through migration or intercultural exchange, have influenced the work and/or identity. It is a tribute to the deep cross-pollinations that characterize the contemporary art world in an increasingly globalized society », underline the organizers.

Thus, the event presents a series of works in important spaces dedicated to the arts in Tangier and Oujda. The Mohamed Drissi Contemporary Art Gallery in Tangier and the Art Gallery in Oujda will exhibit works by visual artists, while a literary meeting will be organized in parallel at the Riad Sultan Theater in Tangier and the Omar Ibn Abdelaziz High School in Oujda where writers will share their stories and personal experiences. Finally, the Tangier Cinematheque and the Regional Conservatory of and Choreographic Art of Oujda will organize screenings of short and feature films by Belgian-Moroccan directors.

These screenings will be an opportunity to explore in depth contemporary cinema and its diverse and varied narrative and visual approaches which shed light on the different experiences and perspectives within the Belgian-Moroccan community, supports the same source. So, ” Moussem Belgica – Transnational Stories marks an important step for numerous artists, authors and directors who participate. For some of them, it will be the first time that they will exhibit their work in Morocco. In addition, all the participating visual artists have previously completed a residency at Moussem. ».

The first book published on this occasion is Moussem Belgica – Transnational Storiesthrough which the Center Nomade des arts Moussem presents a vast overview of the new stories that artists with transnational roots bring to their country of residence. Bringing together the works of all participating artists, the book spans six decades of migration and exchange and explores the impact of this historical relationship from an artistic and cultural perspective. “ These stories enrich and diversify the artistic scene while renewing the Moroccan artistic tradition by creating an alternative canon ».

The second work is the French language translation of the novel “ Tell someone (Verteld het iemand) », by the writer Rachida Lamrabet, the first Belgian writer of Moroccan origin to publish a novel in the Dutch language. “ These translations prove crucial in making literary works available to Moroccan readers, particularly French-speaking ones. », note-t-on.

The event is organized with the support of the Flemish Government and the Flemish Community Commission (VGC), the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad, the Moroccan Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication, the Moroccan Ministry Foreign Affairs, African cooperation and Moroccans living abroad, the Oriental Agency and the Circle of Belgian Laureates in Morocco.

As a reminder, the Moroccan-Belgian bilateral labor agreement will complete its 60th anniversary on February 17. This agreement was the subject of a proper commemoration on the occasion of its fortieth and then its fiftieth anniversary in 2004 and 2014 respectively. This year, several events are planned to commemorate him.

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