Toxic climate at Bedford school: arrival of the two chaperones

Today the two “accompanists” arrive at Bedford elementary school, in the Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce borough. Dispatched to the site by the Ministry of Education, they will have to develop an action plan to restore order in the educational establishment.

The three objectives of the plan are to:

  • restore a healthy and safe learning environment;
  • ensure the competence of teachers;
  • resolve problems of interference by teaching staff in school management.

According to the general director of the Montreal School Service Center (CSSDM), Isabelle Gélinas, counselors will have to develop their action plan by November 30, and it should get underway in the following year.

On the show All one morningthe general director of CSSDMwhich oversees the Bedford school, said she and her team will also be on site Tuesday morning.

Charged facts

As a reminder, an investigation report submitted to the Minister of Education reported a clan dominant of 11 teachers who make rain or shine in this primary school in Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce. A climate of fear and intimidationwhere the physical and psychological safety of students was affected, was established by the group, according to the report.

Among the many problematic actions identified, we note acts of intimidation, insubordination and even incivility.

Teachers of this hard core notably punished students with learning disabilities who were unable to keep up because they did not recognize these students’ diagnoses.

[…] several teachers refuse access to their class to all the school’s additional resources. Some even go so far as to hinder surveillance by blocking door windows or interior windows for classes that have them.

A quote from Extract from the ministry’s investigation report

The teaching of sexuality, religious culture, science and technology and oral communication was neglected, depending on the mood of these teachers.

A group of 11 teachers are said to have, in another instance, approached the school principal en bloc to ask him to withdraw a disciplinary measure that had been put back in place due to insubordination and attitude problems related to the ways to clean up the climate at school.

The full report, of more than 90 pages, (New window) can be viewed online.

Long processus

The 11 teachers identified as the source of the unhealthy climate at Bedford School are still on the job.

According to Isabelle Gélinas, the investigation committee of the Ministry of Education will determine in the coming days whether these teachers will be excluded for the duration of the procedures.

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Isabelle Gélinas, general director of the Montreal School Services Center.

Photo : - / Nicolas Chentrier

We currently have no leverage to ensure that they are suspendedshe justifies. If the director of the school service center hopes that the situation will be resolved once and for allis that this is not the first time that measures have been taken to clean up the climate in this school.

A lot has been done at the school over time, but unfortunately it doesn’t last, she admits. From one year to the next, we lost track of follow-ups.

The Director General has long admitted to not having been able to corroborate certain facts reported in the media and that is why she appealed to the ministry.

The FAE do not condone what happened

The Autonomous Federation of Education (FAE), which brings together unions representing teachers, reacted on Tuesday.

The report is damningexclaimed the president of the FAEMélanie Hubert, in interview with La Presse Canadienne on Tuesday.
It’s difficult to imagine that in 2024, in our public schools, situations like this could persist for so long.she said.

The president also deplores the fact that the principle of professional autonomy was invoked by certain teachers at this school who refused, for example, to discuss pedagogy and their teaching methods.

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The president of the FAE. Mélanie Hubert.

Photo : - / Sylvain Roy Roussel

Professional autonomy does not mean being able to do what you want, when you want and not being accountable to anyone. On the contrary, professional autonomy is exercised in compliance with the legal frameworks that are ours.assures Mélanie Hubert, who cites the educational regime and the study programs.

The president recalls that her federation has rightly demanded that students with learning or adaptation difficulties obtain the necessary help from qualified professionals, such as speech therapists.

Three other schools examined

Three other schools in CSSDM will be subject to audits, namely the Saint-Pascal-Baylon and Bienville primary schools, as well as La Voie secondary school.

According to the Minister of Education, Bernard Drainville, additional information relating to issues similar to those reported at Bedford School were detected during the investigation into this school.

With information from All one morning and of The Canadian Press



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