Tax niches, AME, “intermittent energy” subsidies… What the RN counter-budget contains

Tax niches, AME, “intermittent energy” subsidies… What the RN counter-budget contains
Tax niches, AME, “intermittent energy” subsidies… What the RN counter-budget contains

The flame party accused, this Wednesday, the government of “sprinkling tax efforts on the whole of society”.

A few days after the government and then the New Popular Front, the National Rally in turn unveils its budgetary projects. This Wednesday, the party with the flame presented its “counter-budget” of the State, response to the “bad budget” presented by Michel Barnier. Objective: seek revenue from the state apparatus, immigration or share buybacks, while renouncing increases in taxes and employer contributions. “We intend, even before the question of censorship or a vote arises, to have as many of our measures adopted as possible,” warned party boss Jordan Bardella on Wednesday, on the sidelines of a trip to the trade fair. ‘Auto.

The executive intends to make 60 billion euros in savings by distributing, according to Matignon, the effort between 20 billion in new tax revenue and 40 billion in cuts in public spending. But the RN group believes that the government is not respecting its commitments, because it is “sprinkling the tax effort on the whole of society”, criticized the deputy Jean-Philippe Tanguy, president, at a press conference at the Assembly. group delegate.

Tax relief and spending cuts

In response to the government’s copy, the group listed various proposals that it will defend through amendments to the state budget, starting Wednesday in committee, and to the Social Security budget in the coming weeks, with the objective of 15 billion euros in net savings. Among the proposals, in particular, a reinforced tax on share buybacks at 33%, to raise 8.8 billion, or tackling preferential rates granted to energy suppliers (6 billion euros expected).

Faithful to its markers, the group chaired by Marine Le Pen advocates the transformation of state medical aid reserved for foreigners in an irregular situation into emergency medical aid and reserving the activity bonus for French people. He once again proposes reducing ’s contribution to the European Union (-5 billion), reducing public development aid (-2.34 billion), as well as subsidies “for intermittent energies”, according to the words from Jean-Philippe Tanguy, who would expect “6 billion”, particularly on solar and wind power. The group also intends to end the tax deduction for journalists. The tax loophole for shipowners, however, is no longer targeted, with Jean-Philippe Tanguy explaining that the group preferred to propose doubling the exceptional tax on freight companies.

Conversely, the RN is opposed to the partial deindexation of retirement pensions, as well as to the announced reform of reductions in employer contributions, assuming in passing to renounce the 3.6 billion and 4 billion euros in savings supposed to be made thanks to these measures. The RN deputies will also plead to replenish the credits of the Interior, Justice and Research, and to restore 2000 teaching positions out of the 4000 cuts announced.




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