Diseases linked to screwworm: more than 1,900 cases detected in Senegal

Diseases linked to screwworm: more than 1,900 cases detected in Senegal
Diseases linked to screwworm: more than 1,900 cases detected in Senegal

More than 1,900 cases of screwworm have been detected in Senegal, revealed Dr Coumba Kébé, from the Directorate of Veterinary Services at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty. Dr Kébé made this revelation on Tuesday, October 1, during a regional joint risk assessment (JRA) workshop on screwworm in West Africa, organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. agriculture (FAO).

Known for the first time in the United States before landing in Libya, the screwworm has now marked its presence in Senegal. “A disease which can be fatal, if we do not take action very early,” she warns, given its rapidity, because according to Dr Kébé, “over the 24 hours, these flies lay thousands of larvae and It creates a lot of damage.”

It should be noted that flies and larvae of Cochliomyia hominivorax and Chrysomya bezziana are parasitic insects of the Calliphoridae family which cause destructive and often fatal myiasis in warm-blooded animals and in humans. They therefore represent a threat to both animal health and public health.

In affected countries, myiasis can contribute to poverty, malnutrition and social and economic instability. It causes serious losses in the livestock sector, affects companion animals and threatens biodiversity by endangering the survival of wildlife. The presence of the parasite in affected countries constitutes a barrier to animal trade and a real cross-border threat, given the trade and movement of animals.





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