Controversial comments from Pope Francis: towards a wave of debaptizations in Belgium?

Controversial comments from Pope Francis: towards a wave of debaptizations in Belgium?
Controversial comments from Pope Francis: towards a wave of debaptizations in Belgium?
Sexual abuse, abortion and controversial comments: what to remember from Pope Francis’ visit

Not recognizing themselves, or no longer, in the Catholic Church, some people could be tempted to be “rebaptized”. At the Secular Action Center (CAL), we have already received calls and messages to this effect since the Pope’s visit: “We are indeed questioned about the renaming, and the steps to be takensays Hervé Parmentier, deputy secretary general of the CAL. These are individuals who wish to distance themselves from a Church in which they no longer recognize themselves.”

Rather simple steps

The procedure is actually quite simple. It is enough to send a request to the parish where the baptism was celebrated and indicate your desire to no longer be part of the Catholic community. In other words, to no longer appear on the baptismal registers. The person concerned must indicate their name, address, date of birth as well as the date and place of baptism. The letter can be sent to the head of the parish as well as to the bishop of the diocese. “If people do not have an idea of ​​the date or place of baptism, this information is mentioned in their parents’ marriage record, if they were married in church”continues Hervé Parmentier. If this mention cannot be found, you must then write to the bishop of the diocese in which the baptism probably took place.

“We have standard letters to make these requests.” The renaming is then confirmed in writing.

No impact in terms of financing

In the past, other controversies have led a certain number of Belgians to renounce their affiliation with Catholicism. In Flanders, the broadcast of the documentary series Godforsakenpresenting the testimonies of victims of sexual abuse committed by religious figures, led to an increase in requests for removal from the registers last year.

“Evenings were even organized for people to fill out the deregistration form together. […] It is also a phenomenon that we witness when declarations seem to be profoundly out of step with the reality of society and the rights of individuals.”

Finally, note that public financing of the Catholic Church does not depend on the number of people baptized. If it is an act of protest, engaging in a process of renaming will therefore have no impact in terms of subsidies.

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“We are now in a Church of conviction”

Following the pope’s statements, is the Catholic Church expecting a wave of requests for debaptizations? “It will not be a wave, but as with every controversy, people who were baptized during childhood and who have lost contact with the Church will send a letter in a fit of mood. is a sign of protest, reacts Éric de Beukelaer, episcopal vicar of the diocese of Liège. That said, it should still be noted that some return to the Church afterwards, to get married for example.”


If people are Catholic, it is because there is a phenomenon of adherence.

These reactions of rejection do not really surprise Éric de Beukelaer: “It’s like this in all Western countries that are experiencing secularization.” From a population that went to church by tradition, this has gradually evolved since May 68. “We are now in a Church of conviction. If people are Catholic, it is because there is a phenomenon of membership. This also explains the number of adult baptisms which record an increase from year to year . […] No longer wanting to be part of the Catholic community is an act in a society of choice.”

“I no longer wanted to appear in the registers”

Jérôme (not his real name) is one of the Belgians who have chosen to be rebaptized. “I am not a believer, and I am even less favorable to the Church as an institution. I therefore no longer wanted to be included in the registers of a cult to which I did not wish to belong. Especially since this “It wasn’t me who decided to be baptized. At the time, it was done by tradition.”

The doctor carried out these steps around fifteen years ago, without link to any controversy. It was more of a fundamental conviction. The procedure was largely facilitated by a secular organization, which carried out the formalities for people wishing to dissociate themselves from the Church. “It was quite easy. I had heard about this initiative. All you had to do was contact this organization saying that you wanted to be rechristened, and they would take matters into their own hands.” Written confirmation from the ecclesiastical authorities will come a few weeks later.


Just read the Pope’s latest statements during his visit to Belgium: it says a lot about the obscurantism of this institution.

Today, Jérôme absolutely does not regret his choice. “I am well aware that we live in a society of Judeo-Christian tradition, and I do not think that we should obscure this reality, which is part of our history. What posed a problem to me was this notion of belonging to a group which, in my opinion, is almost sectarian. Just read the Pope’s latest statements during his visit to Belgium: it says a lot about the obscurantism of this institution. Personally, it reinforces my idea. for withdrawing from it.”



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