LIVE – General policy statement from Michel Barnier

LIVE – General policy statement from Michel Barnier
LIVE – General policy statement from Michel Barnier

4:29 p.m. – End of general policy speech Michel Barnier

« Let’s take care of the Republic, it is fragile. Let’s take care of Europe, it is necessary. Let’s take care of and the French ».

Now it is the turn of the presidents of the parliamentary groups to speak. The Prime Minister did not seek the confidence of parliamentarians.

4:18 p.m. – Resumption of the bill on the end of life

While the end-of-life bill was interrupted by the dissolution, Michel Barnier affirms that the dialogue will resume at the beginning of next year. “ Being fraternal means knowing how to support people at the end of their lives ».

4:15 p.m. – The question of consular passes

The Prime Minister emphasizes that « The government will not refrain from making the granting of visas more conditional on obtaining the consular passes necessary for deportations to the border. ».

4:12 p.m. – For Michel Barnier, “ The firmness of penal policy is inseparable from respect for the rule of law and the principles of independence and impartiality of justice »

4:10 p.m. – The question of prison sentences and lack of space

The Prime Minister says he is “favorable to the creation of establishments for short sentences » in order to diversify confinement solutions due in particular to the lack of places in prison. According to Michel Barnier, “it is necessary that the sentences be carried out without being transformed ».

Also read : “More than 40% of prison sentences are adjusted or converted before incarceration”

4:08 p.m. – Towards a reduction in judgment times

« We will resume the discussion on the creation of an immediate appearance procedure for juvenile delinquents over the age of 16 already known to the courts and prosecuted for serious acts of attack on the physical integrity of people. ».

4:06 p.m. – Implementation of an action plan for “ everyday safety »

« The French need to be reassured by the presence of our forces. They will be even more visible and present on public roads ».

3:53 p.m. – Five major priority projects

Among these major projects, “the standard of living of the French”, « access to quality public service », « security »,« l’immigration » et « more fraternity ».

3:46 p.m. – The red lines of Michel Barnier

“There will be no tolerance for racism and anti-Semitism. There will be no tolerance for violence against women. There will be no tolerance towards communitarianism. There will be no accommodation on the defense of secularism ».
The Prime Minister assures that there will be no questioning of abortion, the law on marriage for all as well as the provisions relating to PMA.

3:44 p.m. – “The word compromise is not a bad word”

Without an absolute majority, “the word compromise is not a bad word”. “We will make dialogue and the culture of compromise a principle of government”.

3:38 p.m. – Crisis in New Caledonia, the Prime Minister announces the postponement of the provincial elections

He also added that « The constitutional bill on unfreezing the electorate adopted last May by the parliamentary assemblies will not be submitted to Congress ».

3:35 p.m. – The new Prime Minister wants the idea of ​​a national day of citizen consultation to be studied

3:32 p.m. – Michel Barnier wants dialogue to resume on pension reform

« It is imperative to preserve the sustainable balance of our pay-as-you-go pension system. Certain limitations of the law which was passed on April 15, 2023 can be corrected. The questions of progressive retirement, professional attrition, equality between women and men in retirement, deserve better than dismissals. We will suggest that the social partners consider reasonable and fair adjustments ».

3:31 p.m. – Proportional voting

«The government is ready to open a discussion without ideology on proportional voting », Announces Michel Barnier.

3:28 p.m. – A national assembly divided as it has never been

« The legislative elections resulted in a National Assembly divided as it has never been since 1958 ».

3:23 p.m. – The other “sword of Damocles” is “ecological debt”

“We do not inherit the land from our ancestors, we borrow it”. For the Prime Minister « The ecological transition must be one of the driving forces of our industrial policy”.

3:17 p.m. – Michel Barnier wants to reduce the deficit to 5% of GDP in 2025

3:12 p.m. – The Prime Minister presents “a double demand”: “the reduction of our budgetary debt and our ecological debt”

« The real sword of Damocles is there, today, and for lack of action, of courage now, this sword of Damocles will weigh much more seriously on our children and our grandchildren. ».

3:05 p.m. – Michel Barnier takes the podium of the National Assembly for his general policy declaration

3:03 p.m. – Before Michel Barnier speaks, the Assembly respects a minute of silence in memory of Philippine



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