In , the Finistère Genealogical Center opens its doors on October 5 and 6

In , the Finistère Genealogical Center opens its doors on October 5 and 6
In Quimper, the Finistère Genealogical Center opens its doors on October 5 and 6

With some 5,370 members, the Finistère Genealogical Center (CGF), the leading genealogical association in , is organizing Saturday October 5 and Sunday October 6, two open days for people looking for their ancestors.

On its various databases to which it has access, the CGF has 11,570,000 official documents, mainly photos of civil status documents, births, marriages, deaths, divorces, period photos. Besides this, the researcher has access to countless information on life at the time: the village, customs, religion, festivals, medals awarded on various occasions and also the “convicts”.

During these two days, CGF volunteers will guide visitors in their research.

These searches will be free. People interested in genealogy will exceptionally benefit during these two days from free membership fees (€20, but only once) and the subscription for this last quarter of the year 2024. In addition, the annual subscription is €46.



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