She teaches in the smallest school in

She teaches in the smallest school in
She teaches in the smallest school in France

According to, the school in Margny-aux-Cerises (Oise) only has 13 students this school year. In this predominantly rural area, this is a great opportunity for students and parents, who can benefit from optimal education.

The school in this village of 254 inhabitants operates at three levels: CE1, CE2 and CM1. Here, almost everyone knows each other and the learning conditions seem ideal for the students.

Only the school remains in this village

Thanks to the Intercommunal Educational Group, this school was able to be saved despite its numbers being below the national average. The director, who is also a teacher, monitors births each year in order to be able to prepare for the future.

Working with only around ten students is a real plus for learning. Those who are in difficulty may in particular benefit from special attention. In a village where the tobacco bar, the bakery and the masses have disappeared, this school is a real place of life. It remains to be seen whether the academic management in will allow it to continue over time.



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