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Emerging Senegal Plan: AI at the heart of the country’s digital transformation

Emerging Senegal Plan: AI at the heart of the country’s digital transformation
Emerging Senegal Plan: AI at the heart of the country’s digital transformation

Senegal is actively engaged in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) to promote its economic expansion and accelerate the country’s digital transformation. The Senegalese government, in collaboration with technology giants like Meta, is implementing ambitious initiatives to make AI a strategic growth lever.

During the United Nations General Assembly in September 2024, Alioune Sall, Minister of Digital Economy and Telecommunications of Senegal, discussed with representatives of Meta for the establishment of a computing center dedicated to AI in Senegal. This center would aim to develop local research and skills in AI while attracting investment in the Senegalese technology sector. This initiative is part of a broader government strategy aimed at positioning Senegal as an African leader in the field of AI.

The country has already allocated 7 billion CFA francs over a period of two years to stimulate research, development and application of AI in various economic sectors. These funds will be used to finance AI projects in priority areas such as agriculture, health, education and infrastructure, where AI can provide innovative solutions and improve the efficiency of public services.

Artificial intelligence is also at the heart of the Emerging Senegal Plan (PSE), the country’s strategic framework for its economic development. The Senegalese government considers AI as a key technology to achieve its objectives of modernization and international competitiveness. By investing in AI, Senegal hopes not only to accelerate its digital transformation, but also to create new job opportunities and strengthen its technological sovereignty.

With initiatives like this, Senegal could quickly become a hub of technological innovation in Africa, attracting both local and international talent to advance emerging technologies on the continent.




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