Trump shocks his camp with a new insult aimed at Harris

Trump shocks his camp with a new insult aimed at Harris
Trump shocks his camp with a new insult aimed at Harris

One month before the American election, the Republican candidate once again distinguished himself by attacking his Democratic opponent. One more insult which divides his camp and provokes the anger of American associations.

Donald Trump continues his one-sided verbal joust. The Republican candidate once again attacked his opponent Kamala Harris head-on, during a meeting on September 28. But this time the insult must have had difficulty getting across, even in his own camp. Some leaders of the Republican Party would like their candidate to focus more on his program rather than on his opponent.

Passing through Wisconsin, a key state in the Midwest on which eyes will fall on election night, the Republican candidate attacked the mental faculties of the vice-president. In front of a crowd of supporters, Donald Trump called the presidential duo, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, “mentally disabled.” Words that he then repeated again over the weekend and which seem to have been a hit with his supporters, in a particularly undecided state where he suffered a setback in 2020 against Joe Biden after having won in 2016 against Hillary Clinton.

“Joe Biden has become mentally handicapped. Kamala was born like that. She was born like that,” he declared for the first time on Saturday before going further on Sunday, this time to Pennsylvania, another key state where he will play a big role in the November 5 election. “Corrupt Joe Biden has become mentally disabled. Sad. But the liar Kamala Harris, honestly, I think she was born that way. There’s something wrong with Kamala. I don’t know what it is is, but something is missing and you know it, everyone knows it,” once again vilified the billionaire.

The measured annoyance of the Republicans

In the Democratic camp, Donald Trump’s punchy outings have become habitual, Kamala Harris even uses them to her advantage to counter-attack her opponent’s rhetoric. Among the Republicans, it’s a completely different matter. Although their candidate has made provocation his trademark, the latest insults targeting Kamala Harris annoy and divide the party already divided by the inauguration of Donald Trump in this new election.

Some of them have publicly displayed their opposition to Donald Trump and others, although they support him, show with less and less restraint their disagreement with the billionaire’s brutal methods. “I think the best path to take is to attack him on his ideas that are destroying the country. […] I’m not saying she’s crazy, I’m saying her ideas are damn crazy,” South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham retorted on CNN. Tom Emmer, a Republican elected official from Minnesota who has himself criticized Kamala Harris, calling her a “border czar,” said “we should stick to the issues.”

The anger of associations of disabled people

In a polarized America, Donald Trump continues to divide and now faces criticism from disability advocates. In a press release sent to Washington PostMaria Town president of the American Association of Persons with Disabilities said she regretted that the former president had “an erroneous belief that a person with a disability is less human and less worthy of dignity” and that this is “harmful to people with disabilities “. She added that Donald Trump’s statements “say far more about him and his inaccurate and hateful biases against people with disabilities than they do about Vice President Harris or any other person with a disability.”



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