Significant salary disparities among cultural workers

Significant salary disparities among cultural workers
Significant salary disparities among cultural workers

The gender pay gap is marked among cultural workers in Switzerland. (symbolic image)


Switzerland had 285,000 cultural workers in 2023, which represents 5.6% of the active population. Half have a part-time job. In terms of salary, a strong disparity is noted between the sexes.

In culture, atypical working conditions are very widespread, wrote the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) on Monday: 50% of people have a part-time job (compared to 38% of all workers), 14% have several jobs (8% in the economy in general) and the share of self-employed people (27%) is significantly higher than in the economy in general (14%).

According to the definition of the EU Statistical Office (Eurostat), culture also includes the media, architecture, video games and advertising, areas that largely call on creativity.

In Switzerland, full-time cultural workers earned a median salary of 69,600 francs in 2023. The disparity is strong between the sexes: a woman earned 78,000 francs compared to 98,000 francs for a man.





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