“You and your colleagues spend your days having big opinions” (video)

Criticisms, controversies, shocking comments… Georges-Louis Bouchez is used to speaking without language, which can sometimes play tricks on him. Lately, the liberal created a big controversy over the beeper explosions in Lebanon, calling them strokes of genius.

But it’s another question that concerns him today. Invited on RTBF radio “La Première”, he had some crude comments about… RTBF.

To the last question from Thomas Gadisseux which is as follows: “You are here on the first on RTBF, a complaint has been filed with the CSA (the higher audiovisual council which examines in particular pluralism in the media) at the from a publication with a testimony from a trainer entitled ‘how to be less racist’. Complaint filed by the responsible minister, is it Jacqueline Galant’s role to check whether the RTBF respects its ethics? »

To which Georges-Louis Bouchez responds: “From the moment you have a management contract, it is still the role of the public authorities to check whether the money you receive is used wisely. I can tell you that many people have taken the test, even people from diverse backgrounds who tell me that with this test, we are all racist. What RTBF is criticized for is systematically mixing information and opinion, without making a clear distinction. There is a real debate behind this: can a public service media also produce opinion and if so, in what framework?’ It’s a healthy debate, it’s not against RTBF. »

Municipal elections in Mons: Georges-Louis Bouchez says he is ready to form a coalition with the PS

“But in this case, where do you draw the line between freedom of expression and freedom of the press,” replies the presenter.

“Freedom of expression is total, but the reader or listener must not be deceived. When you arrive on a news site like that of RTBF and you have opinions without it being specified that they are opinions, it is misleading the listener. »

To which Thomas Gadisseux replies that it is the ethics council and not the audiovisual council which must decide this type of question. And Georges-Louis replied that he is in charge of the CSA to enforce the RTBF management contract. “You know, Mr. Gadisseux, you and your colleagues spend your days having great opinions on the way in which the State is run, and it is legitimate, it is not abnormal that we can verify with the competent bodies that you were carrying out your public service mission. In a democracy, what works well is mutual controls, that is part of it. »



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